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I feel myself jolt forward. Jeanine smiles at me. "First one done Felix." I hate the way she smiles. Jeanine is a vain, know it all, as always. She's also especially cruel and amused by our pain. She's so interested in us, in our divergence. Her thirst for knowledge is temporarily keeping us alive, but being the person she is, she's probably going to make us suffer as much pain as death. I shoot her a look of uttermost loathing, trying to show her how I feel about this. Why is she so concerned about divergence? What about me makes her afraid? She's such a coward, such a pansycake. She needs three guards to deal with one of us, she's afraid of me, even though I'm in a locked room. Even though I'm chained back by restraints. Jeanine Matthews is scared of divergents.

"Why are you doing this Jeanine? Why are divergents so dangerous? Leave me and my friends alone!" I shout defiantly. She laughs and moves closer to me, sitting on the lab table in front of me. I can't avoid looking at her. I know my outburst will only amuse her, but it feels good to have said it at last. "W-W-Why?" I splutter weakly. I've stopped bleeding, but I can still taste blood on my lips. I turn my head slightly to Vic. She's shivering, weaker than I've ever seen her, eyes shut tight. Then she whispers a name, a single word under her breath.

"Felix." She mumbles sadly. I want to do something, anything. I want to make her feel better.

"Vic?" I say, "Vic, are you ok?"

"She can't hear Felix. She's in the simulation still." Jeanine explains smugly, in her usual erudite way, "She'll probably be in the future experiments. She's doing well Felix."

"Don't hurt her you coward!" I yell, struggling in vain to fight my restraints, "don't hurt Vic in your stupid experiments!" Sweat trickles down my brow. I feel so weak, so tired.

As if reading my mind, Jeanine says, "Your strength will return. My test makes you weak, as it will make them weak too. I know you're dauntless as well as erudite, but there's really no need for screaming like that."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I scream, trying hard to shake her, I want her to be annoyed. I want her to stop putting us through pain.

"It means," she answers calmly, "that dauntless are much like this, loud and obnoxious."

"Why are are you such a coward? Why are you trying to make yourself feel brave? If  I were free, you'd have more than my divergence to deal with, Jeanine." I spit, attempting to calm down. Jeanine sighs loudly, sounding slightly bored. Then she turns away to face the two remaining screens. I cast my gaze at them to. Brianne faces a windy tower that lies ahead of her. An odd rope gives her a path to cross, if she is brave enough to do so. I turn to Vic's screen, wondering how she's doing. What I see causes my heart to skip a beat. Why am I on her screen? I notice blood, lots of blood. The crimson liquid dripping off the image of my body leaving a puddle of redness on the pavement. Why is Jeanine doing this to Vic? I feel sudden anger pulsing through me. I must help Vic. I want to protect Vic. How dare she hurt Vic. How dare she restrain us. How dare she treat us as though we aren't human. How dare she. "Stop it! Stop it Jeanine! Stop this right now!" I shout. Her dauntless guards inch closer to me.

"Leave him." She says at once, "I want my tests to be fair. That won't happen if he's injured." The dauntless men step away, returning to the door.

"Why do you need them Jeanine? We're chained to these stupid chairs, what the heck are we going to do! Why are you such a pansycake!" I yell.

"The dauntless insults mean nothing to me. You sound desprate. You sound like a doomed coward yourself." Jeanine tells me. Realizing that shouting will get me no where, I hold my tongue. My words will do nothing to stop her from harming us. My words are useless. I am nothing but an experiment to her, and so are the two people next to me. I turn to glance at Vic. She sits trapped and stiff in her chair, shaking slightly. Tears seep from beaneath her closed eyelids, her lips shiver in grief and pain. I hear her whispering something, and the words make me want to cry with her.

"None, Felix, none. You have no chance of survival. I can't go one without you." She mutters softly.

"Yes. Vic you can." I say. I suddenly have a burning determination, and I realize what will happen. I don't want to pass Jeannine's test. But, more than that, I want Vic to live. I realize that she is more important than me. More valued to me than myself. I must fail for the others to pass. And I will.

"No, Felix I can't." Vic whispers hoarsely, "I won't leave you. I won't let it happen to you. I can't let you die."

"Be brave, Vic." I mutter passionately, "be brave without me."

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