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I arrive at my room once more, flopping down on my bed, I pick up one of the six books that I found in my closet. The book's title reads: 'A Journey Through our History' and so far the text is fairly interesting. The book is a thick one, with a heavy bound hard cover. It reminds me of the textbooks we had in school, only thicker. Another difference is the book's words. The level of this book is certainly higher than the level of vocabulary in other texts. So this is what an erudite book is like.

"Those books are interesting," Rune chatters, "but I don't understand a good deal of the words they use. What does detrimental mean?"

"In simple terms it means bad, or rotten. Possibly disgusting or ill. It means bad or terrible really." I say, finding my words embarrassingly childish.

"Thanks." Rune smiles gratefully, "They should of given us dictionaries."

"Yeah, they should of actually." Genevieve admits, "You talk way too much Rune. I'm trying to read."

"Sorry. This reminds me of the-"

"There you go again. Just hush yourself." Genevieve turns to me, "You see Vic? This is what amity are like, always blabbing away trying to be cheery. They are like candor I suppose, except they will lie to keep things calm." I suddenly feel offended.

"Shut up Genevieve! Candor aren't like that at all!" I shout, surprised at my tone. She's calling me a blabbermouth amity. I am a technically a candor. Genevieve's eyes narrow.

"Vic, if your old faction were candor, I'd understand the defensiveness, but your previous faction was dauntless. Why do you care about candor?" She asks. Even Rune turns to stare at me.

"I just think it selfish and cruel to speak of someone's faction in such a way." I say, because that is what I think.

"Why do you act like such an abnegation? I'd expect an abnegation to say that. Not a dauntless, or an erudite. What was your aptitude?" Genevieve questions, her eyes growing narrower by the minute in obvious suspicion.

"We aren't meant to talk of it." I answer, my tone to loud and to sharp to sound innocent, "and when was it you're business?"

"It wasn't." She admits, "but I'm curious, and you seem rather odd. No one behaves this way. No ordinary person at least." Her gaze is full of suspicion, but I gaze back defiantly, with my dauntless flare. Rune looks away, as if in fear of the ferocity of my deadly stare. Genevieve grimaces, trying to cast her eyes away from mine. My fiery glare stays directed at her for several minutes. Finally, she dares to speak. "I-I-I'm-I-I apologize." she stutters, as if unable to find the right words, or in fear of speaking the wrong ones. "I-I-I had no-no i-i-idea you-you'd be o-offended."

"Well I was." I retort, turning back to my open book. Losing my temper wasn't the best move. She's suspicious now. But she doesn't have any evidence, I remind myself bitterly, so you aren't dead yet. Still, I have to be more careful in the future. I've had two near discoveries and one discovery today. Who knows when the erudite will learn of my divergence? It's only a matter of time.

There's a sharp rapping knock on the door. "Come in!" Rune calls happily, obviously happy to see me look up without a scowl like Genevieve's. The door opens swiftly and a man steps inside briskly. "Hi!" Rune exclaims enthusiastically, but it's obvious that this man believes that he has better things to do then come here. I wonder if he's one of the instructors Ariana spoke of.

"Ariana sent me." He explains, "I have to give each of you a schedule for your classes tomorrow."

"Classes?" Rune and I ask together, as Genevieve nods knowingly.

"Our initiation is much like an advanced version of school. Before you can complete your examinations, rigorous study and vast mental training must be completed. Our erudite borns are, admittedly, much better prepared for our initiation than the faction transfers. You will be educated in six necessary subjects. Those subjects are, Sociology, Psychology, Mathematics, Science, Communication and History. The books you require for your course have been given to you." He passes us each a random slip of paper before leaving.

"What do you have?" Rune asks, as I look at my schedule.

"First I have science. Then I have History. Next Sociology, Psychology, Communication and finally-"

"Mathematics." Genevieve interrupts, "I have it at the same time."

"Disappointing." I say truthfully, much to Rune and Genevieve's shock.

"That's a bit rude Vic." Rune mutters.

"It's very rude." Genevieve scolds, sounding more like a mother than a roommate. "You should be ashamed."

"Well, I'm not. Where's the shower in this place anyway?" I ask.

"Down the hall." Rune mummers, "I'll show you."

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