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AN: Ok, I wrote this a long time ago so it is pretty bad, but It gets better (I think) later.

(Pic of Cyan. -------

"Mr.(LN), it's Cyan, are you ok? I heard screaming." The brunette woman asked, wandering into the dim house. Cyan could smell blood, lots of it, she was a surgeon so she knew that smell.

"Mr.(LN), I'm coming!" Cyan shouted seeing an open trapdoor and immediately running over to it and climbing down the rungs of the ladder. After a minute of clambering down the ladder, Cyan had reached the ground. In front of her was a door, its doorknob shone in the darkness, reflecting from the bits of light that were leaking out from under the door.

The smell of blood had intensified, making Cyan want to gag because of how strong the smell was. After Opening the door Cyan was blinded by.... Mist? After it dissipated Cyan wished it hadn't, in front of her was a room painted in blood, on the ground was a handgun, only 5 bullets left "I'm gonna take this with me, just in case." and slipped the gun into her skirt pocket.

The only thing that could block out Cyan's fear was a painful groan. I'm coming Mr.(LN)! HOLD ON! " Cyan shouted, running into the mist, following the noise. It only took her a few seconds to find the source of the noises, but.... It wasn't human.

It had disfigured arms, that were bent the wrong way. Its skin was an ashy gray, torn and not fully formed, it's ribs were penetrating through its skin. It mouth was open like it was trying to scream but all that came out were gurgles and groans, it's head was turned 360° around. It's eyes were begging for mercy, wanting to be put out its misery.

Cyan's hand went to her skirt and pulled out the gun, "I'm so sorry, You don't deserve this pain." and Cyan pulled the trigger, the kick back hurt her shoulder. The creature was at peace, it's previously glowing eyes had closed, as if it were asleep. A loud cry broke through the Basement, the cry of a baby.

(AN sorry that it was a little fast and not too much detail please don't murder me )

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