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Pic of (YN) currently

(One month after (YN)'s 14 birthday)


"Hey Mum can I talk to you?" I asked my adoptive mother, She told me I was an orphan, that is all I know.

"Sure what's up Buttercup?" Mother said looking at me, she was turning 49, but only a few wrinkles were forming and a few gray hairs, but her sparkling Azure eyes had never dulled in all of these years. I sighed, fearing of her response "Mom, I want to take the alchemy exam, to become a state alchemist." Mother's gaze saddened, as if she was wishing for me to say something else " I wish I could say no, but this life is yours, not mine." I was surprised of my Mother's acceptance, she knew I would join anyway. "But, just be careful." My mother said looking at my eyes tears in her own, "Plus, Sheska will need some company in that library!" Mom said cheerfully. "I'll order the tickets to Central tomorrow." Mom said looking at me. "You should call the Roy Mustang, he works there and he owes me a favor."

Walking over to the rotisserie phone, I dialed the number for the Military. After a few seconds a voice echoed through the phone, "Hello, how can I help you?" a woman's voice asked me, "Please connect me to Roy Mustang." I asked the woman "Ok, can I please know your name." she questioned. "(YN) Morrison, the daughter of Cyan Morrison." I said introducing myself. "I shall ask for permission to direct your call, please hold." After a few seconds an unrecognizable voice came through the phone "Miss (YN) please give the phone to you mother." the voice sounded like a man, probably in his late 20's or early 30's, "Hey mother, someone wants to talk to you." I call over my mother.

(Cyan's POV)

I heard (YN) call me, Roy probably wants to talk to me, I take the phone from (YN). "Hey, old friend, what do need?" I sighed, I hope he is able to do this. " I need you to set up an Alchemy Exam for me." Roy was Silent, "For whom?" I knew he wasn't going to listen unless I used my trump card, "My daughter, the one from earlier." The silence on the phone was only for a few seconds, " Cyan, I can't set up an Exam just because your daughter can do Al-" Cyan knew she had to use her trump card, " She can perform Alchemy without a circle!" Cyan said, interrupting Roy. "Oh, how interesting." his icy voice echoed, "I'll set it up, be in Central by tomorrow." Roy said and Immediately hung up the phone.

(YN)''s POV)

My mother turned towards me,"You're In"

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