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Me and Sarah walked, hand in hand toward the ceremony for her parents. I saw several men and women in navy blue military uniforms, Being drenched from the Pouring rain. I kept hearing a strange noise, like water falling on an empty can, but I just ignored it. I held Sarah's hand, In her other arm she had a bouquet of lilies.

When we reached the ceremony, the rain pouring was the silence that no one dared to end. Sarah walked up to her parent's coffins, I was able to see her tears that she hadn't shed. She wanted to be strong for her parents. I felt a ping of sadness for her, She lost her entire family, she felt alone.

I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, It was my fault Sarah's parents died, I wasn't fast enough to stop Scar, I'm so sorry Sarah.

Sarah placed the lilies on her mother's coffin. The lilies were white and yellow, they immediately became covered in a blanket of water.

Sarah walked over and asked if She could have the book she asked me to hold, the book was,"Sweetness at The Bottom of The Pie". With the book was a note, probably to her father. Sarah placed the book on top of the coffin, "I hope you like that book, Daddy" Sarah whispered to her father, I could barely Hear her.

Sarah walked to me and stood by my side, staring at the coffins, her eyes had mixed emotions, sadness, guilt, longing.

Sarah's eyes had tears pouring out, she was silent. I could tell the tears apart from the rain, I knew how it felt. "It's ok to cry." I whispered softly so only she could hear. Sarah looked at me with her Green Eyes, "I Don't Cry." is all she said as she turned her head back to her parent's Grave.

Sarah's head turned up to the sky, "I'm gonna get you back Scar." Sarah whispered to the cloudy sky.


The sun was setting and everyone left, leaving only Sarah and I. "Hey (YN), can I ask you something?" Sarah asked, still standing by my side. "Yeah, What is it?" I said said looking at the sunset, what she said next shocked me, "(YN), what is the price of human Transmutation?" Sarah asked looking down at the ground with her Green eyes, her blond hair falling over her shoulders.

"No, Sarah." I said, "No Discussion, Trust me, Your parents would only be hurt more." I said looking down at her.

Tears fell down her cheeks, "Please, tell me is there a way to bring them back? PLEASE (YN)! PLEASE!" Sarah pleaded to me with tear filled eyes. "I'm sorry, there isn't a way to bring back your parents." Images of a gaint purple eye shot through my mind. My head began hurt, a lot. I became dizzy and my vision darkened. I fell down and clutched my head because all of the pain that quickly went through my entire head. "(YN)!" familiar voice shouted as I fell to the ground, being welcomed into darkness.

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