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Sarah POV

It was really her, my mother's vibrant cerulean eyes that danced in light. I just looked at her in disbelief, she was alive.

"Sarah sweetheart are you ok? you look like you've seen a ghost." My mother questioned with worry laced in her marble smooth voice. I felt tears coming up from my eyes, "I just missed you Mom, it's felt like forever since I've seen you." I said, smiling like an idiot.

"Hey don't forget about me!" a voice said jokingly. Looking two my right there was another hand, it was my father's, Now I knew tears were coming and I couldn't stop them. I pulled my parents together and hugged them with all of my might.

"Hey calm down, we aren't going anywhere." my father said looking down at me. There was a silence but it wasn't awkward, it was peaceful.

"CECILIA SARAH MOVE!" I heard my Father shout as he threw my Mother and I to the side.

I looked up in fear, I saw my father's back, in front of him was a cloaked man who had red eyes. He Held my father's head in his right hand.

Suddenly a loud noise erupted from the man's hand as he dropped my father to the ground. My father's face was covered in blood with his usually bright green eyes being dull.

My mother and I stood in shock, my mother was looking at the red eyed man my mother fell to her knees and looked at the ground, "You killed him, you killed him, you killed Jason." my mother said as her tears fell to the ground.

She turned her gaze away from the floor as she glared at the man. "YOU KILLED HIM!" My mother shouted as she shot toward the man who pulled up his arm to catch her.

"MOM NO!" I shouted but it was too late, he had caught her and repeated what he did to my father onto my mother.

I felt something warm on my face I put my hand up to it and when I looked I couldn't move there was blood all over me.

I just looked forward as the man dropped my mother's lifeless body to the cold marble floor.

As if I had lost control of my body I stood up with a cold glare the demon eyed man. Suddenly I just flew forward with unbelievable speed and attacked the man. He looked shocked as I punched at his face.

Almost effortlessly he grabbed my fist and put it behind my back so I couldn't move, then he put his hand over my mouth so I couldn't scream.

I looked to the side to look for an escape and I saw them. My parents dead bodies. I couldn't hold them back, tears streamed down my face like a waterfall as I struggled against the man's iron grip.


I awoke with a start. In Front of me was (YN)'s sparkling (EC) eyes. "Hey Sarah, you ok? You look like you've seen a ghost." she said with worry laced in her voice. Memories of my nightmare came rush back as soon As she said those words. I shot forward and clung to her neck and cried into her shoulder.


Sarah had a look of sadness and sprung forward and hooked to my neck which made me almost fall backward. I looked down at Sarah's hair which shined in the moonlight.

"Hey it's ok I'm here." I said with a soothing voice. I picked her up with one arm underneath her legs and one behind her back, and carried her to the cargo car where Ivory was.

I opened the dividing car door to see it was storming and carefully stepped over the train connection bar into the cargo car.

Inside was a small group of 5 being growled at by Ivory. A young boy looked at me and whisper shouted "Quick get out it will kill you!"

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