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I shot awake, I looked around to realize I was just having a nightmare. I was still on the train to Leore, with Garden gnome (Edward), Al, Ivory, and Sar-

I jumped up to see that Sarah wasn't next to Ivory, even Ivory was gone.. Panicking, I start to frantically search for the young blond girl and the wolf.

"Wait, she probably went to the brothers." I Thought as I looked behind a column of Stacked boxes.

I raced to the door that led out to a platform that I was on last night. I Opened the door to see that Ivory was sleeping on the other Platform across from me where Al talked to me.

Something about the way Ivory laid down just seemed awkward and unnatural. I Jumped across the car connectors over to where Ivory was.

Usually Her head would at least pop up slightly when She smelled me, but her head stayed still. I was surprised that she didn't react until I looked at her chest. It wasn't rising or falling, She wasn't breathing.

I quickly fell to my knees and began to look for a small bit of life in her.

"I-Ivory, w-wake up, please," I paused hoping for some sort of response, but Ivory didn't move, my blood turned to ice.

"I-Ivory?" I said slightly shaking the wolf, no response. I suddenly felt something on my knees, it was a liquid. I looked down to see that the knees of my (FC) pyjamas were Submerged in a pool of blood, Ivory's blood.

I began to hold Ivory close to me, she was cold and stiff. Tears began to pour out of my eyes and land in Ivory's soft white fur.

Suddenly a loud noise erupted from behind me I looked to see that the door of the passenger car had been opened but nobody was there.

I remembered that Sarah was gone, and Something definitely attacked Ivory. I know Ivory wouldn't want me to mourn when Sarah could be hurt.

I gently set Ivory down and petted her one more time, I stood up and walked through the door that led to the car.

I took one last glance at Ivory before I turned my back and closed the door.

Looking around I realised that no one was in the car. Not one of the seats had a person in them, there wasn't a sign of any life anywhere in the train.

"SARAH! FULLMETAL! ALPHONSE! ARE YOU THERE?!" I shouted hoping for a response, but not even crickets responded leaving me in the crushing silence.

I was walking around the car, looking for someone, when I heard something. It sounded like a glass plate when you drop it.

I shot up and ran to the source of the noise, running past all of the seats until something caught my eye. It was red, stopping my sprint I turned around and quickly walked back to it. It was a red cloak with a flamel symbol on the back of it, it was the one that Fullmetal wore everywhere.

I decided that it would be best to take it with, when I picked up the red cloak I felt something wet on it. With my auto mail arm I touch the wet and sticky fabric, when I pulled away I saw crimson blood covering most of it.

In horror I dropped the hood to see that my other hand was covered in blood. But when it hit the floor the fabric moved to reveal a severed finger amongst the cloth.

I felt my food coming up, so I ran away from the gruesome scene. I felt my bare feet hitting against the polished wooden floor as my heart pounded on my chest.

My lungs began to burn and my legs started to ache. I stopped to get my Breath back, to avoid passing out I walked instead of running.

I had been walking for about 20 minutes but I still only heard my heart pounding in my ears and my feet hitting the ground.

Suddenly I felt something cold and sharp underneath my foot. I moved my foot aside to find a shard of metal on the ground. Picking it up I saw several small red swirls that went across it. I looked at it again to find that it was.the flamel symbol, the same one that Al had on the shoulder of his armor.

"ALPHONSE! CAN YOU HEAR ME?" I shouted, Listening closely I heard a loud grunt that was far away.

I broke into a sprint toward the source of the noise. When I reached the noise I saw Alphonse fighting with a black figure who held a sword. I ran up to help Al when the figure jumped forward and sunk his sword into Al's chest.

I stood there in complete shock as I saw Al's eyes widen in fear. The figure jumped away pulling his sword with him, making Alphonse fall backward.

I ran as fast as I could toward Al's falling body, thankfully catching him before he hit the ground. As soon as He fell into my arms, blood shot out of his armor, covering my chest in blood. I quickly set him down and felt his neck for a pulse.


Before I could overcome the shock of Al dieing I hear a sound behind me, The dark Figure opened the door that led to the next car.

I realized that Sarah was the only I haven't found yet, With the finger back there probably being Fullmetal's, I quickly get to my feet and chase after the Fading Figure.

I sprinted outside and quickly jump over to the next car. I arrived to the other side and threw the door open and ran to follow the fading figure. I saw a flash of gold and black with a mix of red next to me as I walked. It was Ed, But he was definitely dead all the blood on the coat back there is enough to kill someone.

I kept running, I had to find Sarah. Finally I was able to clearly see the dark figure but Then I saw it,

A flash of blond

"(YN)!" Sarah shouted but I couldn't save her. Everything seemed to play slowly as horror spread across my face. The figure pulled their sword back and stabbed Sarah's back, making blood pour out of her wound in her back.

I was frozen in place, I couldn't move. The figure pulled the sword out of sarah, and Turned to me. I could see All of her Features. It was a girl about my age, she had (HC) hair that was the same length as mine. She had her right eye covered in her hair showing a Bright Purple eye that looked evil and menacing.

She began to speak, "(YN), Nice to meet you." she said looking at me with a smile dancing at her lips.

I glared at her with anger boiling through my veins. "Who are you?" I said trying to remain calm, but I was fuming in rage.

"You will find out later, but for now Let me give you a warning. Be careful of which path you choose, one will end with you doing these things to your friends." she said looking at me with the psychotic look in her eyes fading.

"Loneliness will consume Ivory, Edward will lose your trust, Al's heart will be crushed, and Sarah will be betrayed and stabbed in the back." the mysterious girl said looking at me.

Suddenly the woman's eyes turned psychotic as she began to yell, "YOU'LL BECOME ME, (YN)! THIS IS WHAT YOU BECOME!" She shouted.

I was about to explode I looked at the ground to contain my rage, when I looked up the woman was gone, leaving no trace that she had even been there, only with Sarah's dieing body pouring out blood.

I quickly ran over and began to feel sarah's neck for a pulse. Nothing, I began to do CPR and felt for a pulse again, and again, and again.

Suddenly something began to pull at my pyjamas, looking down I saw that Sarah's blood and formed a puddle around me, in the puddle were faces and arms that were pulling at the (FC) cloth.

They were clawing at me and grabbed my wrists and ankles and began to pull me down into the crimson liquid until I was completely submerged. I began to try and swim up but the hands were holding me down. Suddenly I began to hear them, screams of agony filled my mind until it felt like it could burst at an moment. Amongst the screaming I heard one word that overpowered the screams.

That word was (LN).

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