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Dis is what she is wearing during this Chapter


"Hey (YN) we're at Central, wakey wakey!" a cheerful voice called out, shaking me into consciousness " Oh, Hello Sarah." I said smiling at the blond girl. "We are at Central!" Sarah shouted gaining some angry glares. "Hey, let's try to quiet down a bit." I said kindly looking at Sarah "ok sorry." she said quieter than before, "Hey you go outside I'll meet you there, my dog is with the cargo, I'll be right out." Sarah waved and went into the aisle to leave the train.

I turned towards the cargo car and took a few seconds to get there, as soon as I opened it Ivory walked up to me and sat down, "Hey pretty girl, come on, we have to exit through the back." Walking through The car guiding Ivory until we reached the back, opening the hatch that led outside, I was overwhelmed by the fresh air.

I walked out and looked for Sarah with Ivory and couldn't find her. After a few seconds I recognized a smell, It was blood, Ivory could smell it too, "Go follow the scent girl. Quickly!" After a few seconds Ivory led me to a cargo shipment dock, no one was around, but I could hear muffled screams.

With Ivory and I following the muffled screams. Turning the corner I saw a guy holding Sarah with his hand over her mouth, tears filling her bright green eyes. In front of the man were two bodies, a man and woman, the woman had long blonde hair And blue eyes filled with fear, her forehead was split open, the man was next to her had brown hair and green eyes, similar to the woman his forehead has also was also split.

The man holding Sarah had tan skin and a giant scar across his face in an X shape.

"Sarah! Hold on!" I shouted transmuting two swords in each hand out of a part of the steel grate. Running forward I grabbed Sarah from the man's grasp, stabbing him in his other hand while doing so . when I reached the wall I jumped from there to where Ivory was. After I had set Sarah down I looked at the man, he was angry that I had gotten away with stabbing his hand, turning towards Sarah I looked at her in the eyes, "Sarah go run to security and tell them to come here, ride on Ivory." I said, pointing to Ivory, Sarah nodded vigorously and jumped on Ivory's back, " Go Ivory!" I shouted as Ivory broke into a sprint toward the exit.

Scars POV

Ugh, this girl is quite meddlesome, I wasn't going to attack the girl, I was only after her parents, The River Alchemists was their name in the Ishvalan War. The girl looked at me, she had white hair that covered her left eye, she had (EC) eyes, In both of her hand where swords, both perfectly made. "Don't try to leave, I'm not letting you." the girl said looking at me.

"Let god have your soul." I shouted running towards her with my hand ready.

She jumped to the side cutting my arm with one of her swords. "You're going to have to do better than that." I said, referring to the cut on my arm. I realized that during this entire battle she wasn't smug, worried, or sure of victory, her facial expression was blank, no emotion. I transmuted the floor under her to make her fall in, she jumped away and disappeared, I looked around couldn't find her. After a few seconds I saw something silver in the corner of my eye turning around I caught the girl by her neck grabbing her swords before she could stab me.


"I win." The scarred man growled, throwing me at a wall, I couldn't move because of all of the pain in my back.

He began to walk forward, picking me up carrying over to a blank part of the floor and dropped me, he began to punch me in the stomach, probably to keep me from moving.

I felt blood coming up my throat, I wasn't going to die yet. "Scar! Surrender Now." a voice shouted, straining my neck to turn, I saw a bunch of men and woman in blue uniform, in front of all of them, were three people.

First Sarah and Ivory Side by side, a Blond woman , with auburn eyes, probably in her late 20's or early 30's, and in the center of them was a man, he had black hair and eyes, he was wearing a blue uniform and white gloves with unfamiliar alchemical circles.

The scarred man stopped punching me and walked towards the black haired man, "Roy Mustang, didn't think I'd kill 3 state alchemists today."

Wait! the Black haired guy was Roy Mustang!? Didn't see that coming.

Roy's POV

I was waiting at the station for Cyan's Daughter, (YN) to arrive. I waited for about 1 hour after the train had left, and still no sign of her.

In the corner of my eye I saw a small girl riding a wolf, being curious I stopped her to ask what was happening. She said a man matching Scar's description was attacking a girl named (YN).

I told Hawkeye to get some back up from security. To "save time" she shot her gun in the air, and we followed Sarah.

When we arrived I saw Scar punching a girl in the stomach, a bit of blood dripping out of her mouth, she was alive, just barely. "Scar! Surrender Now." I shouted, putting on my gloves, he began to walk towards me,

"Roy Mustang, didn't think I would kill 3 State Alchemists today." Scar said, looking behind him, there was 2 bodies. "WHO DID YOU KILL?" I shouted at him, Scar just looked at me and shouted "Meet them your self!" he ran at me but before I could snap.....


I saw Scar jumping toward Roy, I Quickly moved my arms, That felt like they were actually on fire. I transmuted a wall in front of him. Scar glared daggers at me, to let me know I was on his "You're Next" list.

He ran away, and My eyelids began to fall and my vision became dark and blurry, then I went unconscious.

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