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I was in dark room, I felt uneasy and like something bad was going to happen. I tried to lift my arms to do Alchemy, but they wouldn't move. I saw a man with (H/C) Hair that was Messy and Greasy.

A strong smell protrudes into my nose, Whiskey and Beer. The man seems to be much bigger than me, like 10 times bigger at least . He walks toward me and picks me up. He began to do some circle motion around me and I was able to move my arms, but that was it.

With me in his arms, he brought me to a giant transmutation circle, The one that always haunted my dreams.

Putting me down on the ground while he got on his knees. Once he was kneeling, he grabbed my hands with his giant ones. He breathed out and said, "She died because of you, Bring her back (YN)." and put my hands on the circle.

As soon as my hands and the circle connected lightning shot from them, and bright yellow light circled me and the mysterious man. A smile crept on to his face.

Suddenly the light turned from Gold to Dark Purple. The man let me go and stood up, shock and fear spread across his face. "No! This wasn't supposed to happen!" He shouted.

As he did so the giant purple eye appeared in the middle of the circle. He screamed and tiny flat black hands shot towards him pulling him toward the eye. The eye that was all to familiar, the one that prevented me from a night of sleep. Suddenly the hands shot toward me and I felt my body being deconstructed. I screamed but all that came out was the screams of a young baby.

I blinked and I was in a white void, in front of me was a white figure, he only had a mouth that was in a wide grin. I looked down just little baby knees. Looking back at the figure I realized it had my body shape, like a shadow.

"Huh, what is a baby doing here?" The Figure'Figure's distorted voice questioned turning it's small head to the side. "Well you knocked now the door is open, blah blah blah, I'm The Truth or what you would call God, Blah Blah Blah, just go."

The Truth said as A loud noise erupted from behind me. I turned to see a giant stone door opening. Suddenly Tiny black hands shot at me again and pulled me toward the gate.

I was being pulled along and information poured into my mind, everything someone could ever know. It was painful, I screamed and cried in pain. I blinked and I was back with the Truth "Time to Pay You're Toll, Small Alchemist."

I awoke covered in sweat and was on a couch with a blanket covering me, the automail was aching. "(YN)! You're awake!" A voice said, looking to my left was Al with Sarah sleeping on the couch opposite of mine. "Are you ok? You were having a night terror." I nodded. "What was it about?" Al asked looking at me with his little eyes from his helmet. "I had a nightmare about Alchemy, had before I even learned about Alchemy. In my dream I do a transmutation and Next thing I know I'm being dragged toward A giant purple eye and I wake up in a white room. A white figure called The Truth tells me I have a toll to pay and I wake up." I said looking at him, I could have sworn that he tensed when I brought up the giant Eye. "You ok?" I asked worried, "HUH, Oh yeah I'm Fine." Al said quickly waving his hands in front of him like a child, I chuckled. Al spoke up again "I have to go talk to Ed, You should go to sleep (YN)." I smiled as a response. "Bai" I said as I climbed back under my blanket and drifted into a nightmare free sleep.

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