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I looked at (YN) seeing through her lie, "(YN), please tell me what's wrong." I said looking at her sadly. "You Can trust me, (YN)"

She just sighed, she stood up and walked past me, "Come on Al" she said looking over her shoulder at me. I got up trying to be silent in my armor clinking.

I followed (YN) as she opened the door that led outside. When (YN) was outside she rested her hands on the railing and looked up to the sky.

"It's pretty isn't it?" (YN) said keeping her gaze to the sky. "Huh?" I said confused at what she meant, "The Sky."

I looked up to see that the sky was a canvas, covered in Hues of pink, orange, and blue. The beautiful mix had hints of purple and green that peeked out of the fluffy clouds. The sun was rising up from the east, in the distance there was a large town.

It had a giant building that was decorated with 5 tall steeples That scratched At The morning sky. I turned my gaze back to (YN) who kept her gaze to the sunrise.

"Al, you and brother are after the Philosopher's Stone, right?" the white haired girl asked unmoved.

"Yeah, but-" I began, "Why are you and your brother after it?" (YN) said interrupting me. "What do you seek from finding the stone Al?"


I kept my gaze to the sky as I asked Al the question of what he wished from the stone. "We want to return what we lost, and continue our search of knowledge." Al said as he walked up until he stood next to me.

"Al do you know the legend of the Fire Egg?" I said turning next to me to look at Al. He shook his Armored head, I turned my head back to the morning sky.


(YN) sighed as she turned to the sky and began.

"There was a lonely girl who wanted her family back who died in a terrible war. So she searched the land for the ultimate power, the fire Egg, that could bring them back to end her grief. So she destroyed everything in her way until she destroyed the whole world." (YN) said as the reflection of the new sky clashed in her distant (EC) eyes.

"What I am saying is that you must be careful in your search. You will have hardships and sadness. But there will also be happiness." (YN) said as she turned to me

"Never forget the hardships as they will always be what shapes you, but never let them control you." (YN) said looking at me with her eyes sparkling in the sunlight that had a faraway look in them.

In the short time that I had known (YN) I knew one thing which was that there was more to her that i know, and this was proof of that.

(YN) began to pass by me To return to Sarah but suddenly stopped in front of the door, "Don't let the world destroy you." and with that (YN) left me Alone.



The 5 of us jumped off the train when we saw that the station, only to realize that to get to Leore we have to cross some of the desert.

I let Sarah ride on my Shoulders and we journeyed Across the desolate desert.

After about one hour Ed began to complain, something about grass and bread. "-right Al?" the short Alchemist said, only to realize that his younger brother had sank into the sand because of his armor.

After Al got out of the sand Ed began to chase him. "Hey Sarah are you thirsty?" I asked as the brothers began to slow down.

Sarah remained silent, looking over my shoulder I saw that Sarah had fallen asleep with her head resting on my shoulder. I could hear her steady breath, but behind me was a really tired Ivory, she wasn't good in heat.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2015 ⏰

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