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I walked into a grand room, it had a giant balcony with the two headed dragon symbol on a green background, hanging above the door and on each side of the door were tall glass Windows. Above the door that I had used to enter, was a giant stained glass window.

On the balcony was a man wearing an eyepatch, and had black hair and moustache.

"King Bradley? What is he Doing here?" I asked looking at Mustang, "You fought against Scar and survived, not many Alchemists have, also you saved my life by putting up that wall up. Even Selim, his son, wanted to watch."

Looking at the left side of the Balcony, standing there was a beaming little boy.

Mustang left me in the center of the room, in front of the balcony. Bradley looked down at me and spoke, "Well Miss.Morrison, you shall now show us your weapon of choice, Begin"

I transmuted a pair of swords by clapping my hands together, they shot out of the ground going up a few feet, and I immediately caught them. People were murmuring, about how my swords were perfectly made, or how weird it was that I had white hair, but all of them were shocked that I had performed alchemy without a circle.

The Fuhrer silenced the room, Turned his heel, and walked down to where I was. He looked at me, and smiled, "Would you let me look at one of your swords?" I was astonished, the Fuhrer wanted to look at one of my swords! "Sure, here you go." I said cheerfully handing him my sword, he looked at it, squinting slightly.

For a split second I saw a flash of silver, quickly I brought up my sword, something clashed against it. I saw my other sword, the one that I gave to the Fuhrer. I gave a cheesy smile, and jumped away.

The Fuhrer looked at me and chuckled "Miss (YN) I challenge you to a duel, SwordsMan vs SwordWoman." I looked at him,

"I acce-" A loud crash sounded up in the balcony, "SELIM!" the Fuhrer shouted.

Looking up at the balcony Scar was there, he had crashed through one of the windows. The Fuhrer was running up to the door that led up to the balcony, but he wouldn't make it in time.

Taking a step back, I ran forward and and jumped, I realized that I couldn't reach the balcony but I saw the Fuhrer below me "Sorry about this!" I shouted as I used his shoulders as a springboard. I had reached the balcony and pulled myself up. I saw Scar walk toward Selim, his arm raised in the same position as he had it when he ran at Roy.

"NO!" I shouted, running in front of the boy shielding him with my body. My back to Scar he grabbed my shoulder and an unbelievable pain coursed through my body. My arm was deconstructed, I knew it. But my fight or flight kicked, I turned around and aimed my foot toward his Scarred face.


I saw something speed toward my face, I grabbed it and destroyed it, by instinct. Blood shot across my face, turning toward the girl, it was her leg And arm, that was what I destroyed, but she was guarding the boy still. It was the girl from a few days ago. She was guarding another child.

I realized the Fuhrer was almost here, I ran toward the window and jumped out.

le Timeskip brought by a lazy author


I heard about my little siter taking the Alchemy Exam from Breta, she was attacked by Scar during it. Ed's mechanic was in town and I asked her to do her Auto Mail. I ran to (YN)'s room with Winry trailing behind.

"(YN) please be ok..."

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