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I was Sleeping when someone shook me awake, I rubbed my tired eyes and saw Al next to my bed. "Brother, I need to talk to you real quick, go get dressed." I was confused, "Why?" I asked looking at him confused. "Just trust me." is all Al said, not discussing it any further, I sighed.

I got dressed in my black outfit and red hood and put my hair in a braid. I told Al I was ready and we left without waking (YN).

Al and I walked down the steps of the hotel when Al spoke up, "Ed, (YN) may have seen the truth." I stopped for a second and looked at Al. "We both know that's impossible, Sheska would have told us." Al turned his gaze toward me, "Because no one knew, not even (YN)."

I was kinda starting to get worried for her, Al was usually right about these kind of things. "Al, how could she do that without remembering, that is Impossible." I said looked back at him. I began to walk down the stairs when Al stopped me, "I thought that too, but (YN) had a nightmare, She saw the Purple eye and everything that we saw, and a white figure named the truth." he quickly said.

I continued to walk till I reached the outside of the hotel and sat on a bench, with Al repeating within a few seconds.

I stared forward, "But then how does she not know?" Al paused and looked at me, "She was too young to remember. She was an Infant, she was forced to do the taboo."

I froze, how could someone do that to a baby? I thought for a second and said, "But no one is that powerful, No baby can do that." Al nodded, "True, but she wasn't alone, someone helped her. She wasn't alone from what she told me about her dream."

My fists clenched in hate, someone was that inhumane to someone who hasn't even lived a life yet.

"Brother, we have to tell her, she has the right to know." I sighed, "Al, you're better with people than myself, can you tell her?" Al nodded and turned his head towards the lights that littered the street, "But what was her Toll?" I asked keeping my head towards the glistening lights. "I don't know." Al said looking ahead.

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