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In a few hours Sarah and I had packed the things we would need in Leore.

"Hey (YN)?" I set down my case and turned to see Sarah looking at a blank wall. Sarah looked at me and Then hung her head in shame. "I'm sorry, I eavesdropped, I heard your conversation with the Elric Brothers."

I was confused "So? Not like it was any sort of secret. Ed was just being paranoid thinking that there was something explaining why I can transmute without a circle. Though there is probably a scientific explanation, its probably just a genetic mutation. I mean, come on, I have a mutation that gave me white hair." I said looking at Sarah's blond hair that shined in the early light that fell through the open window.

"No harm done, now come on we have a train to catch."

Timeskip to Leore Train Ride

We had thankfully gotten away with not having tickets by Ed and I showing our Alchemist watches. We were now on the train to Leore, Ivory was not allowed in the passenger car so she was in the cargo car.

"So (YN)," Ed began, "Where are you from?" I took my gaze away from the window and looked at The Elder Elric.

"I'm from Dublith." I said seeing fear arise in both of the brothers eyes. As if it was orchestrated both brothers leaned forward and shouted "Do you know Izumi Curtis!?" I put one finger to my chin, "Izumi Curtis, Izumi Curtis."

I was searching my memory, I recognized the name from somewhere But I just couldn't place it.


(YN) took her hand from her chin and slammed her fist into her open palm, "Oh yeah she and her husband run the butcher shop, Right?" She said looking at us for confirmation, I just sent her a nod.

She cracked a smile but it fell very quickly, replaced with confusion, "Why do you ask?" she said looking at us for Answers. "Oh she is just our Teacher, she taught us alchemy." Al said pointing one of his fingers in the air.

"Oh so you guys were the kids she beat up for a year, right?" she said looking at the two of us. "Yeah, but I don't remember seeing you."

(YN) turned back to the window and said "Some of the kids at school talked about you two, And I saw you from my window." with that silence filled the rest of the train ride.

Sarah POV

I saw darkness around me, that was all. It felt like I was floating in a void.

suddenly I felt something warm in both of my hands, colors began to appear in darkness like a light, I was able to see now. I was looking down into a beige colored marble floor, I looked to my left to see what was in my hand.

When I turned I saw one thing, one thing I thought I would never see again. I saw her, the one person I thought I would Never see again.

I saw my mother.

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