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WAIT! My partner is Sheska's sister? I'm gonna kill Mustang for this.

"So you're the demon Alchemist? Didn't think I'd be paired up with a little kid" I said to Annoy her. She looked at me with her (EC) eye, "Didn't know they let midgets into the military, guess you learn something new everyday." (YN) said with a bored expression, but I was fuming with anger.

"You're stupid." I mumbled to her, "The Crow calls the Raven black." She retorted. I was about to punch her in the face when Al stopped me.

"Hey calm down brother, plus (YN) can perform Alchemy without a circle, just like you." he whispered in my ear so (YN) doesn't hear. I groaned "Ok, fine we have a lead, we are going to Leore. Sound good?" I asked Impatiently. (YN) nodded, she looked down at Sarah, "You wanna come with?" She asked Sarah, who smiled as a response. "Sarah is coming with us, I don't have an Apartment yet." I didn't want to, but It's we take the kid with us or we can't go to Leore. "Fine, but no playing around." The little girl jumped up and down "YAY ROADTRIP SISSY, YAY!!!!" The wolf ran over and licked the little girl's face "Hey Ivory!" Sarah said hugging the white wolf who was still licking her face.


"I'm Ed." FullMetal said, offering his hand, and I accepted it. A bit of lightning shot out from his hand, and he turned his arm into a sword. Wait he has automail too!?

I quickly jumped up and clapped my hands together, and transmuted the air around me and shot it at him. The air was just warm so he would be fine.

"BROTHER! THAT'S MEAN!" Al shouted his brother, who just glared at me with his golden eyes, and I glared back. "So you can perform Alchemy without a circle, I guess

I felt a tug at my sleeve,looking down was Sarah. "Hey sis, can we go to Leore after my parent's funeral?" I looked at her and smiled "Yes, sweetie." I turned to Ed and Al, "Sarah and I have something important to do, we'll be a little late." I said looking at them.

Child Of Alchemy (FMA ReaderXAlphonseWhere stories live. Discover now