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(YN)'s POV

I awoke with a start, a nightmare, again. I looked down to see a bunch of bandages all around my torso, and Sarah was sleeping in the chair next to me holding my hand with her small ones. Carefully pulling my hand away to not awake Sarah, I put my hands to my stomach and used Healing Alchemy.

I pulled out the I.V.s, and walked over to a dresser on one side of the room. On top of the dresser were my torn up clothes, using alchemy I fixed them but decided against wearing them, the cloth was not in good shape. After a bit of looking i found a pair of black pants, and a matching hoodie, I kept my hair down in its usual "bangs covering eye" thing.

I walked toward to Sarah, noticing that Ivory had slept at her feet to keep her safe. Putting my hand on her sholder, I lightly shook her awake, "Hey sweetie, I'm up!" I said happily when her eyes opened to see me.

Sarah looked at me and tears entered her eyes, she rammed her little body into mine, she was hugging me. Tears fell from her eyes and she said "My parents are gone, where am I going to go? I don't want new parents! "

I looked down at the poor girl, piting her I said, "Hey, if I pass the Exam I'll adopt you, if not you and I will move in with my mom. Sound like a deal?"

Sarah looked at me with sparkling green eyes filled with disbelief accompanied by tears. Sara began to speak. "Y-Yes, big sister." I smiled softly, happy to big sister.

"I promise to pass the Exam." Sarah looked at me bewildered "Ummm... What Exam?" I realized that I never told her about the Exam. "The Alchemy Exam to see if you can become a state alchemist." I said giving a short summary of what Alchemy is.

"So that is how you healed so quickly?" Sarah asked looking at my torso, "Yeah," A Yawn went throughout the room, looking over to Ivory waking up, "Hey sleepy head, Sarah said looking at The rather big wolf, big enough to be ridden by me, but I'm pretty light.

"Good to see you have woken up Miss (YN)" a voice said, looking behind me was Roy Mustang, "Hello Colonel Mustang. " He chuckled "I guess your mother told you my rank, anyway time to take the Exam." I turned back toward Sarah "I'll be back in a bit, ok?" I said looking at her, She nodded.

"I'm ready to go to take the Exam." Roy looked at me "Then Let's go."

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