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Ed and I were following (YN) and Sarah, they just left without an explanation.

Ed and I pursued (YN) and Sarah, it was raining causing me to make a weird noise. I hoped that no one could hear me.

(YN) walked to a funeral, holding hands with Sarah, who was carrying a bouquet of lilies. They both walked up to a funeral for a pair of state Alchemist, The River Alchemists. Sarah walked up to one of the coffins and placed the bouquet.

Sarah walked up to (YN) and asked for something, (YN) pulled out a book, the cover showing a crow eating out of a pie. Sarah walked back to the coffins and placed the book on the coffin opposite of the one with the lilies.

I realized what was going on, Sarah said she was adopted by (YN), This was her family's funeral. "I see why the didn't tell us." Ed said looking at the duo.

Sarah walked back to (YN), standing at her side. (YN)'s eye held sadness and guilt. Looking down to Sarah (YN) said something, Sarah looked up and replied and turned back to the coffins.

~Le Timeskip~

It was dusk and the two girls were still here, (YN) standing, Sarah sitting with her head in her knees.

After a an eternity of silence Sarah spoke up, the rain stopped so I could hear them. "Hey (YN), can I ask you something?" Sarah asked still looking at her knees, "Yeah, What is it?" (YN) asked looking at the sunset. Sarah paused for a second as if she was thinking.

"(YN), What is the price for Human Transmutation?" Sarah asked looking at the ground still.

Ed and I froze we were about to run out to stop them, but (YN) beat us to it. "No, Sarah, No Discussion." (YN) Paused, "Trust me your parents would only be hurt more" She said looking down at Sarah.

Sarah looked up, tears were flowing ot of her eyes and poured down her face and cheeks, "Please, tell me is there a way to bring them back?" Sarah stopped for a second to breathe, "PLEASE (YN)! PLEASE TELL ME!!!" Sarah shouted looking at (YN) with tears in her green eyes. "I'm sorry, there isn't a way to bring back your parents." (YN) stumbled a bit and fell to her knees, holding her head in pain, "(YN)!" Ed and I shouted at the same time, running toward the figure who was falling onto the ground

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