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I was trying to sleep when I heard footsteps. Opening my eyes slowly I saw Al and Ed walking out of the room, After they left I followed silently behind.

When I Left I found myself in a hallway. It looked like one in a hotel. I followed silently and saw them turn a corner, by the sound of the footsteps they were probably going down stairs.

I walked to where they were and hid behind the wall next to the stairs. Al was saying something and all I heard was "Giant Purple Eye" I froze, I squeezed my blanket and tiptoed back to the room and went to sleep on the couch with thoughts swirling in my head.


Loser, Freak, Stupid. These were normal things for me to be called in school.

I was being beat up, again. My mom never knew I was being bullied, didn't want to trouble her. The boys were kicking me and pulling at my strange hair. Blood was trailing down my face when It happened.

"HEY, leave her alone!" A voice girl's voice shouted, suddenly all of the boys stopped kicking me, and turned toward the voice. I saw a pair of feet in front of them. "Shut up Freak Twins!"

Suddenly someone punched the boy straight in the nose, and the rest of the mob ran off. "Are you OK?" A voice said, looking up I saw a face.

It was a boy's face, messy Blonde hair falling on his forehead, accompanied by Bright Blue eyes, he had kind eyes and a face filled with concern.

"Uh, Len I think You punched too hard." A girl's voice said. within 1 second a girl's face was above mine smiling happily, "How are ya?" She asked quickly.

The girls face was just like the Boy's, The only difference was her eyes held Happiness and her hair wasn't as wild as his.

"Rin, calm down she just got beat up." the boy said taking his attention away from me for a second. I started to get up when the boy caught me, "Don't move, you'll hurt yourself." he said as he lifted me up.

"I'm Len, that's Rin." the little blonde boy said referring to the little girl. "I'm (YN), thank you both." I whispered leaning on Len's shoulder, "Don't thank me, Thank Len, he stopped the bullies." Rin said putting my injured arm over her neck and shoulder, taking most of my weight, and Len did the same.

"Hey School is over, we should head to the office and call your mom, you need to go to the hospital." Len said Pointing to the bland office building. I couldn't object if I wanted to, but I knew I would die if I didn't go to the hospital.

After a minute or so Len and Rin brought me to the office and charged through the shouting teachers and went to a door with a small window at the top. After opening the door I saw a blurry figure, All I saw was Black hair and pale skin, then my world went black.

I looked up and saw a white ceiling, I tried to get up but a pain coursed through my body, I clutched my stomach in pain And laid back down.

"You're awake! Len, Rin, come here!" A voice said, opening my eyes I saw a beautiful Green eyes with bits of blue, "Miku, Back up she just woke up." Rin's Voice said to The green haired girl, who she called Miku.

"(YN)!" A familiar voice called looking toward the noise I saw a mousy looking girl with tear covered cheeks, and Brown spectacles. "SHESKA! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE IN CENTRAL!" I said in surprise that she was here, "As soon as I heard I left work and hurried here, Mom is out of town as you know."

I was appalled, my sister went halfway across Amestris just to check that I was ok.

"(YN) What happened?" Sheska said with concern in her kind voice, I sighed and looked Sheska in her eyes that looked like chocolates. "Sheska..." I head fell and I looked at my sheets, "I'm being Bullied, at school." I said Ashamed that I was so weak, that I never defended myself. Suddenly I felt a strange feeling around my chest, looking up I saw the material from Sheska's sweater. I returned her embrace and something unexpected happened, I felt something wet Fall down my cheeks, I was crying.

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