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The Ishvalans looked at me in fear with tension in the air.

"(YN), if you are going to risk something like being a State Alchemist for us, criminals of the state, then why did you join the military?" The Elder asked looking at me in utter confusion.

"Well," I began, "I joined for two reasons, One, I want to try help stop things like Ishvalan war. Secondly I want to find out where I am from." I said looking down petting Sarah's head.

"If you haven't noticed yet, I have white hair. I want to find out why I have something so strange about myself, and I can perform Alchemy without a circle. I keep on saying that it is just a mutation, but I feel like it is something different." I said looking down sadly, "And I want to protect Sarah. I turned my gaze back to the man, "I seek answers but Sarah is first, I will die to save her."

The man looked at me with a look of approval, "Is Sarah Your sister?" he questioned. "Kinda, I adopted her as my sister. Her Mother and Father Were killed, I'm pretty sure what all of her Nightmares are about." The group looked at me with pity.

"Tell her we're sorry for her lo-" The Older man was interrupted when Ivory Jumped up from her sleep. Everyone held deathly still as she sniffed the air around her. "The Wolf must smell Paula's blood." the man said with a look of sorrow.

"Wait one of your people is hurt?" I asked looking at the man, he simply nodded. "If It's ok with you I could use Alkahestry to heal her."

The boy from earlier looked at me with confusion, "What's Alkahestry?" He asked looking at me.

"Alkahestry is similar to Alchemy, but it is used to heal people and it is mainly used in Xing." I said looking at the boy answering his question.

"I'm sorry, but I don't believe Paula would want that, It contradicts her belief, But thankyou anyway." I Nodded in understanding.

The Elders POV

The young Alchemist understood, but suddenly she gently pushed her sister off of her and said "Ivory, Keep Sarah warm."

Almost instantly the giant wolf walks over and curls around the young one to let her sleep. The Girl was more visible now that she stood up and was in the moonlight sent in by the window.

She had snow White hair that was (H-L) and had it so that a small portion of it was braided, she had her hair so that it covered her left eye and only showed one eye that was (EC) colored.

She was wearing a white dress shirt that had a silver design along the bottom and a pair of (FC) pyjamas pants.

(Like dis large )

(YN) walked over to a small suitcase and opened it after a few seconds she pulled a blue and Red bag out. It was probably taking up about 60% of the bag.

"Here we are," (YN) looked at me "Catch." she lightly tossed the bag of which I caught. "That should help you, and if any of the guards come in just wake me up, kay?" she said smiling at us.

I simply nodded and she turned and walked to the figure of a sleeping dog and her sister. (YN) leaned against the Wolf.

I opened up the bag she tossed us and inside was a bunch of medical supplies, from painkillers to sewing needles for stitches.

That Girl was too caring for her own good, It could get her killed one day.



It had been couple of hours since everyone fell asleep, I still couldn't sleep, I kept remembering that nightmare.

The giant eye, it has always been there, in the back of my mind. Clawing to be free, but nothing could get rid of it for long. Therapy, Medicine, Alchemy, nothing could make me forget it, But It never happened, so Why is the dream always the same. The dream in all of these years had never changed, like it was a memory.

"Jeez, I need some fresh air." I thought as I stood up to distract myself from my impending thoughts.

I opened the Cargo Car door to see that the storm had stopped but everything was still soaked so I had to be more careful.

I held onto the railing as I looked up to the evening sky. It was actually quite beautiful, we were passing by a farm field that only had a few scarecrows far in the distance.


I looked down at my left hand, It had a white glove on it. I slipped off the glove to see my auto mail arm, I Didn't realize that attacking a criminal was bad idea until now that I can see that I can never have my Arm and leg back.

I looked down at the metal railing and began to scratch it to create a transmutation circle. Even though you had known how to perform without a circle didn't mean I wouldn't learn them.

I looked down to see that my transmutation circle was finished. I placed one hand on the circle as I transmuted the water into a small frost Stag.

I chuckled as I moved my wrist to make it move, It was kind of like magic. The Stag jumped around on the railing happily.

I picked it up gently and placed it back into the center of the transmutation circle. I put my hands on either side of the circle to turn it back into water.

Instead when I did the transmutation The stag turned into a steam, Suddenly out of nowhere bits of my nightmare play in my head.

"Hello (YN), are you ok?" I heard a hollow voice say from the steam. After the steam had cleared Across from me was Your Friendly Neighborhood Giant,Al! he was looking at me with concern in his red Eyes. "Oh I'm Fine, I was just startled by the steam thats all." I said looking at Al with my best fake smile.

He seemed to see through it but Continued to speak, "I saw you and Sarah leave 3 hours ago and you guys haven't came back yet so I was worried, what happened?"

"Sarah had a nightmare and I thought it would be best to let her sleep with Ivory." I said looking over to him. "You should go to sleep, you'll need your rest for tomorrow." The brother said looking at me.

I raised my eyebrow, "Wait a minute, you haven't slept in two days,You're the One Who needs sleep." I said Looking at him realizing he hadn't slept, "Huh!? Uh nope, I slept earlier today!" Al said panicking.

"BS" is all I could think as I saw Al, but I played along. "Sorry, I'm just being paranoid, after all..." I said turning my back to Al so That I could go to sleep.

"You would have to be a Homunculus for that to be possible." I looked at Al from the corner of my eye and he becomes frigid and looks scared almost.

"Anyway," I said as I opened the door to the cargo. "Goodnight Alphonse Elric." and with that I walked inside the room of suitcases.

Child Of Alchemy (FMA ReaderXAlphonseWhere stories live. Discover now