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(4 years later)

"Hey Mom, can I talk to you?" (YN) asked her Mother, "Sure (YN), what's up?" (YN) looked at her Mother, "Mom, Why is my hair white? All of the kids at school think I'm weird." "You are not weird, they're just jealous of your pretty hair." Looking behind (YN) was Sheska, "Your hair is beautiful, don't listen to them, they are wrong." Sheska said looking at her younger sister, for a 9 year old Sheska was smart, she could read any book and remember it perfectly. " Hey sis, come check this out!" Sheska pulled out a book, the cover had weird sigils and symbols, the title was "Introduction to Alchemy". "I wanna try!" (YN) shouted, forgetting her insecurities about her hair. "Hey, I'll be there to watch you two, wait up" Cyan said to the children.

(Time skip brought to you by The Truth)

The sidewalk was covered in chalk drawings of Alchemy circles, "Okay you place your hands like this." Sheska said putting her hands on each side of the transmutation circle, "Like this? (YN) said putting down her hands on the blank part of the sidewalk, Lightning shot out from where she had placed her hands. After the lighting stopped in front of (YN) was a small statuette of her sister and mother, with every detail exact. "Whoa, (YN) you can do alchemy without a circle, when did you learn that!" Sheska exclaimed, on her back from falling in surprise. "I don't know!" (YN) stuttered, also surprised that she perform alchemy so easily. "The book said that performing alchemy without a circle is

impossible." Sheska said looking at her younger sister shocked. "I'm sorry, did I do something wrong?" (YN) said, looking down at her knees, "No you Did Perfect!" Sheska and Cyan shouted at the same time. " Really?"

" Yes, you did perfect." Sheska said looking at her little sister, " How about you and I practice everyday after school? Mom could watch us and make sure were being good." (YN) looked up to Sheska "OKAY!" (YN) said smiling.

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