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I felt a warm hand on my shoulder Shaking me into consciousness "(YN), Time to get up, we're going to miss the train." Sarah said. "I'm up, I'm up." I said as I sat up from the couch.

"You were Crying in your sleep." Ed said Who was sitting across from me on the opposite Couch.

"Also the train isn't At the station For 4 hours." Al said looking at me from his armor.

"Then Why did you wake me up?" I said Angrily at the three of them. "Ed told me, He and Al had to talk to you." Sarah said as a defense.

I turned my glare toward Ed, "Fine, Let's Talk, Why did you dare wake me up early?" I Said Looking at the duo. Ed sighed And looked at Sarah in annoyance.

"Hey Sarah, Can you Please go and get some water and food for ivory?" I asked to get her out, She simply Nodded and left.

I turned my gaze back to Brothers, "Ok, What's going on?" Ed sighed again and looked at me, " We Think you might have done something to let you do alchemy Without a circle."

I Looked down at the floor, "Do you really think I even know why I can do this, Cause I don't, I've just been able to do it Before I could read." I stopped and looked back at him.

"I'm not saying that, I'm saying you don't remember, I'm guessing there was something That happened when you were a baby, something that you have forgotte-" suddenly Sarah came in, "Hey you guys you have to start packing." She said, "I agree" I quickly said as I left the room. Saved by the bell. I thought as I quickly left the room.

Child Of Alchemy (FMA ReaderXAlphonseWhere stories live. Discover now