chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Iris looked about Indulgence, taking in the smoky atmosphere with interest. For a vampire lounge, it lacked a certain aura that was often found at such locations. She had visited many and this was the only one where sensuality was so brazenly celebrated. The women were dressed in skin tight dresses that left very little to the imagination and the men they were with did little to hide their interest. Iris wondered how many of them were vampires and how many were human. Nowadays, the line between the two seemed to blur more often than not. The laws guiding the unions were ever evolving to adapt to the changing world. 

As she leaned forward in her seat, Iris scanned the room for what felt like the hundredth time but she couldn't find the man she was after. Nikolas had begrudgingly agreed to meet her but she was well aware of his knack for evading the women he slept with. One night was all he ever promised and foolish as she had been, she played right into his arms and came out the loser. At least all she had lost was a material item; far worse would have been to lose her heart. Of course, to lose that, one would have to have had much more than one night of sex, albeit the glorious, earth shattering kind it had been. 

"Looking for someone?"

Those three simple words sent shivers down her spine. The voice accompanying the man she sought was deep; it spoke of intimate secrets and dark rooms. She had to keep herself from blushing as she faced him.  Nikolas looked better than she remembered and her memory hadn't given her a single moment of peace since the moment she agreed to leave the lounge with him two nights past. Nikolas was tall, much taller than herself, with broad shoulders, a slim waist, and biceps that could make the most saintly woman imagine some not so saintly things. Her breath was caught halfway between her chest and her throat so it was a good thing he didn't wait for her to speak. 

"I made it clear Iris, I don't do serious and I don't do long term. What do you want?"

"Well for starters," she said, starting to stand because she felt at a disadvantage having him tower over her, "You can return the chain and cross you took from me."

Nikolas placed a finger on her chest that stopped her from rising fully. Her teeth clenched as his cologne invaded her senses. Musky with a slight tang, it was all male and it made her slightly dizzy.  It bothered her that her body responded to his touch while her mind understood that whatever had been between them would never be again. 

"Nikolas I'm serious, I'm not here under any pretense. All I want is my chain." 

"While I do apologize for tearing the clasp in my haste to  remove  your shirt, I did not by any means take your chain. I left it on the nightstand. Perhaps a maid found it."

Iris glowered at him but Nikolas ignored her. Instead, he let his eyes travel over the body he had been fantasizing about for the past couple of nights. He hardly ever thought of the woman he slept with after he'd had them. In fact, this was the first time he'd woken up in the middle of the day, fully turned on, with the thought of a woman he'd had on his mind. It was quite disconcerting to be sure. 

"I can't believe this."

"How about," he started as he invaded her space and breathed in the scent he knew to be arousal. So she wasn't unaffected after all. "I buy you another one."

Iris shook her head in exasperation, "That was my great grandmother's cross. It had sentimental value damn it. What were you thinking anyway, you could have asked me to take it off."

"And you could have remembered to look for it in the morning when you were getting dressed."

Iris started to speak but she couldn't argue with that. She had forgotten to check. In fact, that morning, she was so utterly mortified that she had spent the night that she couldn't have gotten out of that room fast enough.  She still couldn't believe how brazen she had been in the first place. 

"I refuse to take the blame for that, I didn't even feel you take it off!"

She realized her mistake when he grinned. It was a cocky grin, full of satisfaction and pride. Of course he'd consider it a good thing that she hadn't felt him rip a chain off her neck because, of course, he would attribute it to the great pleasure he'd been giving her. Damn if he wasn't right.

"You could always check with the hotel. Maybe someone turned it in?."

Iris sighed, pushing against his chest to stand up. He grabbed her hand, surprised to feel a bit panicked at the thought of her leaving. His mind started to play through various scenarios in which he could extend their time and even that was a shock. Since when did he scheme to sleep with women? Iris tugged at her hand impatiently and growled when he pulled her onto his lap. His arm twined around her waist, he moved close enough to see the pulse at her throat throb. When she hissed at him, Nikolas chuckled. His lips curved sensually and she could see the gleam of fangs even in the dark room. He was either horny or hungry; otherwise, his fangs wouldn't be showing. Apprehension made the hairs on her nape stand on end. 

"Well obviously you don't have the necklace so I'll be going, no reason to drag this on any longer. Let me go Nikolas."

Iris moved to stand but he turned, skillfully pinning her beneath him on the futon. His leg pushed between her thighs and he held her arms over her head with only one hand.

"Oh no you don't, I'm not done with you."

"Excuse me? You got your night, we're done."

Nikolas shifted over her so that he could look down at her. He liked the way she looked sprawled beneath him. This was a dangerous game he was playing but he'd play it anyway. He couldn't believe what he was about to propose. 

"You told me it was one night," Iris groaned, "what the hell is this about?"

"I want more," Nikolas moved his leg, letting it rub between her thighs, "I've got a proposition I'm sure will interest you."

As much as she wished he didn't affect her, Iris knew her arousal was apparent in her dilated eyes and overheated skin. She should be leaving. She shouldn't let him touch her this way because her brain cells were useless when he came in contact with her skin. Nikolas was a legend in bed; a re-embodiment of Casanova. She'd heard so many stories about his conquests... till finally she became one. Now here she was letting him touch her again. As far as she knew, Nikolas NEVER slept with the same woman twice so this sudden contact was hard to believe.

"What kind of a proposition?"

"I want your body, for however long I decide. I want you to be available to me when I want you, no exceptions."

"Oh, that's it?" she muttered sarcastically.

Nikolas leaned down and kissed her neck softly, causing pleasant chills to run up her spine. His breath was hot against he skin, a considerable contrast to the coolness of his lips. 

"I'll make it worth your while."


"Why darling, there is nothing you could want that I could not provide."

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