chapter 9

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Iris looked on in fascination as Nikolas slathered some specialized sunscreen all over his body.

It was supposed to allow him to be out in the sun for several hours without any risk of getting burnt. It was scientifically enhanced to protect his skin, or so he was saying, but she couldn't concentrate on his words when he was standing before her in nothing but the speedo she had picked out for him. Iris followed the line between his abs to the waistband of the garment, her bottom lip stuck between her teeth. His belly was flat, his waist slim, and the abs that were displayed so perfectly by the speedo looked exceptional enough to have been sculpted out of marble. 

"Iris? Are you listening?"

"Hm?" Iris looked up, blushing furiously and failing miserably at hiding her embarrassment.

"Would you like some sunscreen?"

"Oh, um, no. I want to tan."

"And if you burn?"

Iris laughed, tugging at the top of her sundress because it refused to stay in place. It was strapless and a major pain, but at least it covered her breasts and her butt. 

"If I burn, I'll peel. No big deal."

She forced two beach towels into the bag she was planning to take and looked around the room to make sure she wasn't forgetting anything essential. Her cell phone was useless on the island and she would hardly need her iPod at the beach when she had Nik to talk to. Iris was bent over the bag, deep in thought, when Nikolas came up behind her and lifted her into the air by her waist. She giggled helplessly and somehow managed to turn in his arms so that he held her tight against his chest. Her feet were dangling just above the floor, her arms around his neck and a foolish smile spread across her lips. She felt ridiculously lighthearted. 

"You know what we're missing?" Nikolas asked.

Iris shook her head, her hair flowing over her shoulders. 

"The honeymoon toast."

"The what?"

"The toast, for a happy honeymoon."

"But Nik this isn't-"

"Oh but it is. Wait here."

Iris waited till he had left the room to frown. She had forgotten that none of this was real. She was sitting at the edge of the bed when he returned with two glasses. They were full to the top with a white liquid and decorated with a slice of pineapple. He handed one to her and reached for her hand when she started to rise. 

"I didn't want to be cliché and go with champagne; especially since we're on a tropical island.

These are Piña Coladas; I mixed them myself so if they're horrible, I apologize. I know this is Cuba, but I used Puerto Rican spiced rum. I hope you like it."

Iris looked down at the drink and then at Nik. He had taken the time to make these; he hadn't

simply purchased a bottle of champagne and popped the cork. She took a sip, her eyes glued to

his. She let the liquid sit on her tongue a moment to absorb the taste and when none of the bitterness of the rum showed through, she smiled. 

"It's delicious, I barely taste the rum."

"Well that's because I don't want you drunk on our first day in Cuba. I don't even want you buzzed.

I want you entirely sober and clear-headed so you can remember it when we're no longer here, in this moment."

There was a strange burn at the back of her eyes that Iris recognize as the pressure of tears and it

surprised her so much that she had to look away. Her eyes stared into the drink, at the floor,

anywhere but at him. What he had said... it took her breath away. Why was he suddenly so romantic? This wasn't like Nikolas...

"Something wrong?"

Iris chuckled uncertainly, "No, no of course not."

When she looked up she was smiling. The smile was a lie because she was too confused to

smile genuinely, but she wouldn't allow him to see that; not when he had made such a nice


"So how about we finish these drinks so we can head the beach?" she asked, "You're right, it is a

day to commit to memory."

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