chapter 5

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Iris bit her lip hard and flinched. She couldn't believe she had agreed to a quickie in the plane's

tiny restroom. It was clichéd, it was immoral, it was... exciting; she had to admit that the danger

of getting caught was a great stimulant. Nikolas told her to go first, that he would follow as soon as he knew no one was looking. She sat on the tiny toilet, contemplating the width of the room and how on earth they were both going to fit. Next thing she knew Nik was sneaking in. He shut the door, turned the lock and grinned. 

"We're in the clear."

The second the words left his lips, he was all over her. His hands found their way inside her

skirt and he cupped her bottom. The room may not have allowed for much movement, but Nik

wasn't letting that stop him from doing what he wanted. He lifted her onto the sink, spread her legs, and put his hands against the wall on either side of her. 

"Take your shirt off," he growled, eyes black as night. 

The predator had been released. Iris fought with the buttons of her blouse, finally ripping a few towards the bottom in effort to get the shirt off. Before her bra even hit the floor, Nikolas had her breasts cupped in his hands. He sucked at the peaks, groaned, and bit down softly. Iris was panting, her fingers curled in his hair, holding him against her. 

"Please Nik..."

He pulled her skirt up to her waist and kissed the tops of her thighs causing her to shiver.

Iris leaned back as he explored her, taking her places she had only imagined. She was hot,

burning up with desire. When Nikolas rose and took her hips in his hands, she moaned in


"Try not to scream," he groaned, before thrusting as far into her as he could. 

She bit down on his shoulder to muffle the scream, but it was still audible. Every time he

plunged into her, she gasped and tightened. She felt the peak coming so fast she couldn't hold off. They finished together and slumped back against the wall in a tired heap. Nikolas was the first to recover, of course, and would have been ready for round two if a knock hadn't sounded on the door.

They froze, guilt causing them to flush. 

"Excuse me? My son needs to use the restroom, are you almost done?"

Iris turned ten shades of red, none too pleasant, and glowered at Nikolas. 

"I blame you," she whispered. 

Nikolas waved her off. He cleaned himself, pulled his jeans up, and opened the door only so far

so that the woman couldn't peek inside.

"You're going to go back to your seat," he told the lady, "and wait 5 more minutes before

returning to the restroom. You will not remember waiting and you won't remember me. Goodbye now."

He watched her walk away and when he turned back to Iris he realized that she'd overheard. 

"You just... that was... it's illegal and yet you do it?"

"I don't always follow the rules, so sue me. Get dressed, we have ten minutes to sneak back to

our seats unnoticed."

"I hate you."

"Oh yeah?," he pulled her against him and kissed her thoroughly, "you didn't hate me when I

was inside you."

Iris pushed him away. She wanted to be mad, she really did, but a smile was already tugging at

the corners of her mouth.

"You're despicable you know that?"

Nikolas merely grinned. He leaned back against the door and watched her dress. Iris ignored

the ardent look in his eyes as she tried to make her ruined shirt presentable. She ended up tying

the bottom, although it would expose her midriff, because there was no other way to wear it. As they left the room, Nikolas reached for her hand and held it gently. Iris tried not to think too much about the gesture. It didn't have to mean anything. As they got to the seats, the woman stood and made her way to the restroom with her son. The little boy was only three, he wouldn't remember anything.

He probably couldn't even speak yet. Iris knew they were in the clear so she released the breath

she'd been holding. 

"So Iris," Nikolas asked with a mischievous grin doing attractive things to his face, "do you

really hate me?" 

Iris loved how his eyes lit up when he smiled; and if he was being naughty, they shimmered

more than usual. It was impossible to hate this man, she realized. Still, there was no reason she

should let him off easily.

"Perhaps... maybe if you make it up to me, I'll hate you a little less."

"Make it up to you how?"

She twirled a strand of her hair and pretended to think but she already knew what she wanted.

She doubted he would agree to it, though. 

"I want an actual date. With all the works."

"You want what?"

She saw surprise, but that she had expected.

"You heard me Nik. I want a date. I want to see if you're as good at being romantic as you are

in bed. I highly doubt it."

"Doubt it? So if I prove you wrong... you'll let me drink from you."

Iris thought about it. She'd heard from a few people that being bit by a vampire could be

wonderful or horrible. It was curiosity that had her considering it and it was a desire to see his

romantic side that had her grabbing his hand. She gave it a shake and moved close to him so that

their lips nearly touched.

"I accept," she answered and the anticipation was already building up inside her.

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