chapter 8

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Iris woke up in a dark room to the sound of rain. She couldn't recall falling asleep, but she must have because she felt rested. She tried to roll onto her back but Nikolas was cuddled up against her, his arm over her waist and hand gently cupping her breast. She pulled away slowly to keep from waking him. Though she couldn't see a thing, she found her way to the door and slipped out of the room noiselessly. She realized that Nikolas must of had black-out curtains installed in the room because the light filtering in through the blinds in the rest of the apartment was blinding. Iris took this as an opportunity to explore. Last night they had gotten to the apartment fairly late and after... well, just after, she hadn't had the chance to look around. It was rather large for a one bedroom and the kitchen was huge. She was excited to try some Cuban recipes and was doubly excited to surprise Nikolas with them; he didn't know that she could cook. In fact, there were many things he

didn't know about her and vice versa. Iris thought about this as she lifted the blinds in the kitchen window. There was a rainbow forming across the blue sky because of the rain. She wasn't sure if it was an omen or a sign of good things to come. However, not being the superstitious type, she let the blinds fall and immediately set to making coffee. Without a dose of caffeine she'd be no better than a zombie. While she waited for the coffee to filter, she wandered into the parlor. The apartment looked freshly furnished and she wondered if Nikolas had chosen all of the furnishing. 

Iris made a mental note to ask him about it later tonight. The clock in the parlor said that is was only 2 in the afternoon so she had quite a lot of time to kill.

It would be this way for a while, until she became accustomed to Nik's sleeping schedule; then she could sleep during the day with him and be active during the night. It would feel weird at first but she could eventually get used to it. She returned to the kitchen to check on the coffee just as it went off. It was strange to use an old style coffee machine when all she had to do to hers back home was insert a little packet, press a button, and wait a minute or two. This one required granulated coffee and water. She had to place the contraption on the stove and let it heat up long enough to steam the water and filter the coffee. It was a long process but she had enjoyed it. Iris decided to drink the coffee out on the veranda. It was such a sunny day. She moved back and forth on the porch swing and watched as the rain turned into a sprinkle and the sprinkle turned into an almost imperceptible mist. It never ceased to surprise her how something so simple could interest her so much. It wasn't like her to be impressed by simplicity. She was an animated person who liked bright colors, fast cars, and was always in search of the next adventure. When had she mellowed out so much?

The sound of the glass door sliding open and shut surprised her and she spilled a bit of coffee on her thigh. It burned her skin; turned it red and hot. She was so preoccupied with the burn she didn't notice Nikolas standing beside her. He crouched down and took the cup from her hand, causing her to jump once more. However, this time he held the cup away from her and placed it on the ground nearby. 


"Now look what you've done to your skin; it's too delicate for you to mistreat it this way."

"Mistreat it? You startled me! What are you doing outside? The sun!" Iris gasped. 

She jumped up from the swing and started to pull him along with her. However, he held his place and wouldn't budge an inch so her first instinct was to shield him from the sun. Iris hugged him against her as if hiding his face alone could somehow keep him from turning into ash.

"Oh Nik, why did you-"


"-how bad does it hurt? Can you move? Nik-"

"Iris! I'm okay. The sun doesn't make me burst into flames."

"But how?"

Nikolas smiled, finally rising to his feet. She found it disconcerting to have to look up at him. He wrapped his arm around her and held her to him as he chuckled. 

"It's nothing but another myth. Being in the sun for long periods of time can kill me, yes, and if I'm not careful I'll sunburn within an hour, but I can step out into the sun without dying. What? Did you expect me to bring you to a tropical island and keep us cooped up all day? Hell no, we're going to the beach."

"We are?"

"Bet your ass we are," he said with a wink.


Iris knew it had been a mistake to let Nikolas pick a bikini out for her. He had picked the skimpiest, most revealing one in the shop. 

"It's a nude beach," he had said, "you'll be too dressed as it is."

Too dressed?! In a thong? Iris turned to look at herself in the mirror and the red material of the bikini was nothing compared to her blush. She couldn't go out in this. There had to be some way to convince him-

"Come on Iris, it can't be that bad. I want to get to the beach some time today."

"I can't wear this Nik."

"Why not?"

Nik stepped into the dressing room, which she was sure was prohibited since he was a guy, and grinned like the Cheshire cat. 

"Goddamn... do a turn for me?"

"No! I won't go out in public looking like this."

"Looking like what? Extremely sexy? Since when is that bad?"

Iris stepped right up to him, got on the tips of her toes, and poked him in the chest with every word she said, "I wouldn't wear this for a million bucks."

"How about two?"

Iris gasped. Now she knew he had gone insane. What was it about a man that made him so keen on paying to have his way? 

"You're crazy if you think offering me money is going to-"

Nik shut her up with a kiss. His lips moved over hers- hot, urgent, seeking. He had her by the hands because she had reached up to push him away and now his thumbs traced circles on the sensitive skin of her palm. Her hips rocked forward of their own volition and pressed against his. They moaned simultaneously. Nikolas was the first to pull away and he left her reeling. 

"Please Iris, I just want to see you like this, in the sun."

Iris let her head fall against his chest as she took a deep breath. Was this any worse than

accepting money? Letting him seduce her into saying yes? By god, she no longer knew what role she was playing in this convoluted game. The stakes were starting to seem too high and yet she knew it was too late to fold. 

"Alright Nik, I'll wear it. That is, if you wear what I choose for you too."

"Anything for you darling."

"Good," Iris grinned mischievously, "then a black speedo will do."

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