New Moon (chapter 1) schizophrenic

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New Moon (Chapter 1)

Sept. 13. It is the day when Isabella Swan turns 18. Dad was restless. Still he hoping that we become friends. I have had several chances for meet her, but there are never failed, or better, it's me that I do not want. I had a dear friend who betrayed me in the most low possible. I do not want it happening again. Now I no longer believe that there is the true love and friendship, at least for me. I prefer to be alone, nobody that you breaks the heart. But then I look at my father and I repent immediately. After all asks me so little.

I have to find a gift for that girl. I do not know her tastes, the only thing I know is that she loves to read the classics. I thought to give away her a book, such as Romeo and Juliet, Pride and prejudice... but probably has already read these. I look the books i have in the room for get an idea. In the end opted for -chants and poems of the Indians of America-. It is among my favorites and i think he can pleasure to her too. I hope.

The reserve is not equipped with bookshop, but bookstalls and books are all used. Me go even well, but I do not think it's a good idea to give her a book half ruined.

Will I have to go to Seattle. Forks has an bookshop, but even that is not the maximum. Not to mention that only has a few book on Native Americans. On the other hand, the books on the wood and how to do manual works with they are not lacking. Dad buys there manuals on do-it-yourself. He built our house and made all the furniture. Mom was lucky to fall in love with him. And he with her.

I observe my parents. They are sitting on the sofa and holding hands. I sometimes envy them. Swallow the evil that I just thought of ask them permission to go. They have no trouble grant me especially my mother. They will breathe a sigh of relief, at least for a few hours. These days are very nervous. I do not even know why. I jump nerves with nothing.

Seattle is so different from the reserve and from Forks. More alive. No, no longer alive, only more chaotic. I have a map of the city, but I do not think I'll lose. This place is great, but it's not a metropolis. I find a New Age bookstore. Within and i was immediately the nausea. The place has a strange sweet odour. It reminds me a lot an inkling that I heard a few weeks ago in the woods. Inside there is only a few little girl struggling with books about guardian angels, the power of the soul ... and silly things like that. Don't think there is the one that I search, but I equally ask to the saleswoman; an woman in her sixties, gray hair and jeweled as a votive statue. She me looks disconsolate because it not take that kind of books. Funny because the New Age world has brought the culture of the natives, or rather their spirituality, in its ranks. The lady in front of me did not give up and try to sell me something else. "This", he says, "It's perfect to make sure that the girl of your dreams fall in love with you". I stay really poorly, she swapped for a male. Since Sam left me. I began to neglect me. the only thing that I care. But for the rest nothing. I dess also of a size larger and porto long hair, broken down in front of the face. Maybe I should cut them. I should shave my head and recite the boy for life. I breath deeply and try to hold the anger that begins to fit. At the end i tell myself that this woman is only a poor crazy old, addict to incense and other strange - substances- that sells.

I go out to breathe a bit. Eventually I find what I'm looking for, a normal library. The clerk is busy and I begin to look around a bit '. Even here I find New Age books, manuals on do-it-yourself and how to look your best. I pause for a moment on the latter. I never cared much about my appearance, I did not see myself pretty, but I did not care much, then it. Only when i fell in love with Sam i began to keep me more curated. Hair in order, dress more feminine. For the makeup i waited. I didn't want to look like a clown. The first time I put the makeup it was the day he left me. I had rigged Emily and had done a good job. Probably had realized that would not be served to nothing. She had already circuit. My cousin was really an beautiful women. I would have to not understand that would last, that sooner or later he would have left for she or for someone else. Stupid girl.

In the end, the sales assistant is free and i ask if they have the book. Luckily there. He Me the packages and I go out. Rethink their two has made me feel sick. I trembled even. I am afraid, these attacks of wrath, the tremors ... I've got something wrong, maybe they are schizophrenic. I close my eyes and i concentrate to regain control. I still have a little bit of time before the bus me carryovers to Forks. I seeking a card of good wishes, but I find all ridiculous. I decide to take a totally white and instead to put the classic happy birthday I opt for one of the poems of the book:

"Great Spirit,

she touches with Your Breath!

You who have given the lives.

Give him a long life.

For this we you pray, Father!"

The dad awaits me at the stop for return at home, but first we will make a stop from Charlie. At the end I will meet Bella. Unfortunately or fortunately there is no one. I put the package into a plastic bag that lego at the gate. This mailbox is too small to contain the book. My father mumbles a little, hoping that deliver him in person. I feel sorry for him, but I do not believe that never become friends. Don't think I be able to pleasure. And how doing if even i not like me.

*Song Pawnee

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