Breaking Dawn (chapter 15) Irina

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Breaking Dawn (Chapter 15)


"Quil, Embry, where you are? Curse, there is a bloodsucker in the area".

Perfect none of them answers me. They must all be in human form. Or at they do not care. Breed of idiots, in the world not there are not only the Cullens and since the two herds are at peace with them are not longer in patrol. They do not do anything. I also tried to call Jacob, but he is deliberately ignoring me. It is with Renesmee. It is always with her. Maybe I should try to contact Edward, but he it would not take me seriously. And I am too far away. I'll have to take care of myself. Maybe this is the right time to really leave. Not in the way I had expected though.

In the end I can locate it. It is near a cliff. Despite the overcast sky her skin seems to radiate light. Even a human watching realize that it is a supernatural creature.

I arriving almost to the ridge of the mountain and I find myself face to face with him. No, her.

Is not very high, I would say roughly 1.60. Maybe less. The hair is straight and not very long; a very light blond and it seems platinum. The skin has a marble shade. And it's perfect. No sign, not like those of Jasper. But they are the eyes at incuruosirmi more. Golden like the Cullens. But not is what strikes me. No, it is the light they radiate. A glow full of anger and frustration.

I should attack it, but I do not. I will just look at her while she does the same thing. He knows exactly what they are.

Before disappearing she tighten lips and the fists. It is angry, only the eyes, their light, betray all the pain he feels at the moment.

After a few minutes I realize who he is. Irina Denali. I had seen her in the mind of Seth one day while mentally he confabulated with Jake. That kid find all that funny speech. I hope that he not to suffer never for love. But sooner or later there comes the imprinting at to fix everything, and exacerbating other.

In the end I feel Jacob call everyone of his pack. I hasten and can reach them easily.

"Where have you been?"

The tone of Seth is of reproach. I replied that I was doing the rounds.

"You have not felt the presence of bloodsuckers?"

"No. And you brother? You have not heard anyone? "

He growls for the ironic tone that I just used. Between all of us is the one with the most developed sense of hearing.

When you return home with my brother to take some clothes I do not tell anyone of the encounter with the vampire. And my mother makes me a good scolding:

"Now that there is peace among the shapeshifters and the Cullens there is no need to return tanned in this way. Where have you been to hurt you so? Jacob knows? Treasury never find anyone if you do not stop this life."

Are you kidding me? I can not stop with this life, if there are vampires around. And I can not put me with someone. Because no one can understand that I love Sam curse. Righteous, I forgetful that he and Emily are soulmates. It's me that in most. I am in more from the beginning of my story with him.

"Seth is hungry."

"Do not change topic..."

"My brother is hungry."

Fortunately the of Seth, stomach growls for good. But my mother has it that before, he, itself give a freshen up. He return Back five minutes later still wet and inform my mother that one of the Denali clan was spotted from Bella, but she has not been unable to speak with her. My brother silly giggles when he talks about how the vampire boyfriend of one of them was killed. That vampire wanted to kill Bella and the vampire girl had with them for that reason. I get up without even finish eating. I put everything in the pot of my brother. I wash the dishes I used and settle the kitchen before going to my room. I only hear my mother sigh. Eventually she reached me.

"He wanted to kill Bella honey. That vampire wanted to hurt her. You can not be so unfair. "

Unjust. You think I want someone's death? Do you think I enjoy this? I never wished death to Bella. Only once when I was afraid that Seth would die for her because of Jacob's separation from the herd. Only one time I had a homicidal thought.

No mom. What I can not stand is the suffering that the presence of this girl has caused. I wonder if somehow the vampires have apologized at the girl Denali. No, I do not think so. After all Isabella Swan is alive. This counts only. And what he told Edward about it during the ceremony says a lot about what the amounts of the pain of others: 'Every marriage has its dramas'. The ironic tone he had used. Although I was not there, I saw it in the mind of my brother a few days later. And I saw the expression of his wife. As if the pain of that vampire is not so important. That sucks.

I go out of my room and get ready even the Seth bag. In the end I thank my mother and go out again to reach the Cullen territory. From a distance I hear mom who greets us and asks us to come again to see her. We have begun to see she, after the peace between the two packs. Seth come most often on the advice of Jacob. I much less. The second last time, I had heard clearly the smell of Emily's mother. That woman will be happy to know that I'm moving away.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. No one seems to have felt the presence of Irina in the saga, even Jacob and other shapeshifters. They come to know her only through Bella, the only one who has glimpsed. This is why I wanted to put this chapter. Not only because it seems impossible that none of them was able to perceive the wake of vampire, but also because Irina and LEAH have many similarities.

As for the mother of Emily, I thought that after her daughter's accident has changed drastically against LEAH.

The Twilight Saga: LEAH - english version (fan fiction) by uffachefaticaWhere stories live. Discover now