Breaking Dawn (chapter 17) leeches

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Breaking Dawn (Chapter 17)


All arrived. Before the Jasper friends, then gradually the others. None of them have golden eyes. You are not vegetarian and this means that will hunt at the humans is open. It must be why we were turned away from the Cullen territory. Just Jacob is remained. I do not really know how he manages to cope with being in the midst of those leeches. I forgot: the imprinting power. The few times that I connect with her mind I see all his disgust for what happens there. And their disgust for him. Those monsters think they are gods descended to Earth? They are just a bunch of mannequins. Poor Jacob. And poor Sam. He's the other guys are very nervous since they were forced to remove their girls from the reserve. Only Sam according to some now seems slightly quieter. Probably the thought that the Volturi, not do will harm the girls wolf, them assures him a bit.

The thing that I find disgusting is how calm the Cullens can handle everything. As if they did not care of the lives of others. After all they are only people outside of their small group. Of the perfect strangers. Why go to so much trouble to people who will never know? For families desperate for the disappearance or death of loved ones? In the end they are here to Renesmee. And the least they can do and give them the means to go hunting.

We should defend humans from them and yet do not do that alliances on alliances with those monsters. Who cares if you are transforming other Quileute, even if they are kids like my brother. Although they will ruin their lives and that of others. After all you do this sacrifice for one person.

LEAH is not prepared to have other succhisangue between his feet, but the anger that she evidence is not such a thing as the antipathy that you shoot someone for no reason. No, it is something deeper and is dictated by its sensitivity. But nobody sees this... vote LEAH, vote LEAH, vote LEAH....

The Twilight Saga: LEAH - english version (fan fiction) by uffachefaticaWhere stories live. Discover now