Breaking Dawn (chapter 5) unwelcome

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Breaking Dawn (Part 5)


As an idea is definitely crazy: to join Jacob's pack. Branco, there is only one item with him. My brother. Sam is furious at the betrayal of both and soon will suffer another.

Seth, Seth ... was the only one close to Jake when Sam gave the order to attack the Cullens, and of course Black not wanted to obey. He wanted to protect Isabella Swan. He had done such an something like that when the alpha had ordered not to attack the vampires. But he wanted their dead because he believed that they had turned Bella. He wanted to protect her from the leeches and even from herself. I envy that girl, like Emily has the love of all. Once I was also I much love. One time.

Eventually my brother followed him and joined the same day that Jake has claimed his state of Alpha. Seth loves Jacob and I'm sure he would like he as a big brother at the me place. And to think that when my mother was away on work, I was to look after quell'impiastro. When Seth was a child if you do not wax the mom or dad he not himself separated it from me. He loved me ... once.

I take a deep breath. Now nobody bear me. In the end I will make everyone happy: Sam, Emily, the wolf pack and the elderly. And I will give them another excuse for remove me permanently from the reserve. Only Billy Black not fully rejoice over this thing. Probably he will try to convince his son to -repudiate me- somehow. And even convince my mother. Already I see him: 'Leah Clearwater is unworthy of being a descendant of Taka Haki ...'. I just hope I can convince Jacob to accept me and to keep me for a while 'in his circle. Until I figure out what the hell to do with my useless life. Now everything has changed. The only thing I know is that I have to remove me from La Push. Now there's nothing to keep me. I lost everyone and everything.

I try to hold back the tears and to distract myself I focus on their smell. Not that it is needed. I know exactly where they are. At home Cullen. I have to think about how to make him understand that I can be useful to them. I'm the fastest but did not bring has me brought much luck in the other pack. The others are all more rapid of the vampires and some of them have more developed skills. For example, Seth. My brother has the hearing very developed more than all the other werewolves. He can hear the enemy away at Km of distance, and perhaps at Jacob this enough. After all its capacity is more useful than mine. I run and that's it. I not even good for fighting.

They are almost near. My little brother is howling. He has already sensed my presence. Luckily it was in wolf form and I can capture their thoughts and act accordingly. It's nice not to feel the minds of the other wolfs, especially her. It was a real torture having feel his love for her and the pity he felt for me. At least I breathe a bit ', some more and if he accepts me.

The real problem, however, are the bloodsuckers. I can not read their minds, but one of them is able to do so. Although Black accept me, my presence would be unwelcome to them especially from Bella. If you will say that do not want nearby me, Jake pander them. Even if he not has imprinted on that girl.

I'm afraid, afraid of being rejected. It's funny, I should there by now accustomed. But is not so. Always it hurts and each time the pain increases.

For the last line of this chapter I took me a bit '. In fact, I do not convince me. I had different ideas to express the fear of LEAH, but I could not develop well and seemed to clash with other phrases that I always put here. I'll try to put them at a later time.

I hope that the text is legible and both understandable

The Twilight Saga: LEAH - english version (fan fiction) by uffachefaticaWhere stories live. Discover now