Twilight (chapter 3) Cullen

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Twilight (Chapter 3)


Dad came back out of breath from the afternoon spent with Billy Black and Charlie Swan. He looked very worried. Usually cheerful when spends the day with his closest friends, but not today.

I see that discusses animatedly with mom. We hope it will not be success nothing serious. Eventually he turns and looks at me. It has an almost desperate expression on his face. Approaches and begins to speak. Try to be calm, quiet, but trembles. At the end with a tone anxious asking me to frequent Bella. To become its most dear friend.

"Has something happened?" I ask. I try to be calm, but I am very worried. I've never seen Dad so. It has always been a quiet person. Even when Sam was gone. As if he knew the reason for his disappearance. Even mum was not so worried. Only I was freaked out. Now that I think about their behavior was really weird, unusual for someone who disappears without explanation.

I had taken the reins that day, going to Forks and asking help to the Chief Inspector Swan. I remember that the elders were not happy. I have not to take the initiative, but could not do anything, because from the my part I have also his mother. She is the only one that does not look at me with pity. Perhaps it is also the only one who can really understand me. The mother Sam. Emily goes to the visit very often. Is stay her mother to advise she. Maybe it's only my personal opinion, but it seems that this woman stay trying to me away in every way by the people who are most fond. Probably afraid that I can resume Sam and indeed would also my right.

I'll be back again to look at my father, but a little thought makes its way into my mind. Possible that they knew everything? Then they also knew that betrayed me? 'Has a right to know ...'. Come back to my mind some discussion of the my family. I hope it does not, because it means that I can not trust anyone, not even of the my parents. Maybe I should really go, and maybe change my identity. Leave behind all this falsehood.


Dad looks at me so alarmed.

"It's all right, my child?"

"Yes sure". I can not tell him what goes through my head. If is not like this, it him wound only. I'm already doing quite hurt my family.

"Dad, something happened to that girl?"

"Let's just say that he attends people disreputable".

"Peolple disreputable, to Forks?" I smile as soon as this makes you smile even him.

"They been the family Cullen?" "This is the Cullen family papa?" Him looks at me with anxiety and curiosity. "Once you've had a discussion with Billy and Charlie because of a Dr. Cullen..."
"Yes, we do not want Bella Swan frequent their children".
"And his father what you think of this story? He seems to be on their side".
"He does not know that..."

Him keeps me hide something. Dad usually is an open book, more of the my mother, but there are things you does not say. I know very well him. Even Seth noticed that our parents are hiding something.

"They are not as good person as he thinks Charlie".

Takes my hand and looks at me pleadingly.

"I know it will go to the beach with some classmates this weekend. I please Leah make friends with her".

I nod. I hope that Sam and Emily there are no, otherwise i don't know if there is the I will.

I apologize for the length. They are little stories on the point of view of LEAH. I hope not to be too far from the saga of Meyer. It is not easy, at least for me, deepen facts and characters of which little is known, and only through third parties. I love LEAH.

The Twilight Saga: LEAH - english version (fan fiction) by uffachefaticaWhere stories live. Discover now