Breaking Dawn (chapter 12) Renesmee

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Breaking Dawn (Chapter 12)


No noise, not longer felt anything. Not even the cries of Jacob, the vampire and Bella. I perceive soon the cry of the baby. Eventually he was born, but at what price. I Seth felt to call mentally Edward hoping to know something, but nothing. Only at first light we see Jacob get out of the house of the bloodsuckers. It is too happy, too strange. His look is full of joy, an unnatural joy. Only one thing could cause that change. I swallowed a little.

"She's born. It's an female. The most beautiful in the world. She is looks like his father, but his eyes are those of the my ..., of Bella. Her name is Renesmee. It's my soul mate."

Seth is the first to be transformed to congratulate him. Now Jacob did not suffer more. But I am not serene. I was hoping that he the had, but now I see him, I realize that it is no longer himself. He is also happy that she look like at the father. What is left of the old Jake? Of his affections? There is nothing left in his heart? Only she? This is one of the things that makes me shiver of the shapeshifters magic.

Poor Jake. He said he does not want it, that is an unnatural thing, but now, he, do not to think more. No, he now imprinting is the very essence of love. And everything else is slight. Even my love for Sam.

My brother, puts quickly all dresses. Jacob wants to see her and is happy to see his reaction. Before leaving, however, he approaches me:

"You'd better not come in, not after what you said to Bella. I know why you did it and I thank you, but the you attitude had very annoyed the vampires and the little baby. Apparently she perceived the hatred you felt towards her mother and I do not think she will want ever look you..."

It stays a moment. Now it seems embarrassed. Do not pretend that you care about me. Now it counts just she.

"I'll call I Leah."

I watch him enter the house along with Seth. I turn around. I do not see Edward and no other bloodsuckers. Better I will not have to endure their laughter 'nobody wants a poisonous snake'. I shudder slightly. Of sure they are on the side of Bella. He did not say anything about his condition. Now he does not care anymore. There is only one baby.

At the end I takes the patrol for control the entire perimeter. Sam did not show up. Perhaps he hopes that Jacob to take care of the baby.

There is a good thing though. Sam can no longer have a reason to attack the Cullens. No conflicts, no one gets hurt or worse. Nobody. Leah smile. You're hated by everyone even as a baby, but at least your family and the people you love are all safe. It bothers me only that the merit is of a creature half human and half vampire. That sucks.

The Twilight Saga: LEAH - english version (fan fiction) by uffachefaticaWhere stories live. Discover now