Breaking Dawn (chapter 18) Christmas' Eve

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I apologize for the abominable translation...

Breaking Dawn (Chapter 18)

Christmas' Eve

Mom is setting up a real feast for tomorrow. She seems cheerful. I have to force myself not to ruin even this Christmas. I hope to endure the vision of Emily and Sam as they exchange tenderness. But above all I hope that Jacob and Edward do their own affairs and are too busy with their companions for read about in my mind. Jake is not a problem. Imprinting inhibits the senses and makes you see she only. I do still fatigue to digest that his soul mate is a half-vampire, an enemy of our race. At this point I think that Billy Black is right about me. There's something wrong with me.

I sigh plan for not do me feel from my mother thinking back to the words twin soul. I thought Sam and I were. Every time I think of this I cling to the idea that if you do not trasformavo I could be me the choice of Sam. Jacob scolds me when he hears that I think about it yet. It changed again after imprinting. Before of she, he did not want the imprinting that him considering a fictitious feeling. Now you do not think anymore so. I see it in his mind, in his way of thinking. And I also know from how he look me. With compassion, because I can not accept that my cousin and my ex were meant to be together from birth.

I sigh louder and this time she feels me.

"Honey are you okay?"

"Yes sure".

She observed with the usual expression, a mixture of pity and sadness. Perfect I have already ruined the Christmas Eve at my mother. I try to change the subject but it is she who spoke.

"The day before yesterday I went to the cemetery to find thy father. It was a bit 'that I did not go. I thought I would find the dirty grave, the weed that served as mistress and the dried flowers. But to my surprise it was not so. Someone has held the tomb cleaned, and also I think I know who did it".

She caresses me the my hand just floured.

"Thank honey for be cared him."

"Wrong mom, I not..."

"Leah does not feign with me. I know it was you. Seth although it has a big heart like you is not one to think about these things and I do not think it other people are occupied".

"You forget Emily".

My mother sighs plan.

"It was not her. In all honesty I asked now to your cousin, but she said no. I was a fool not to think right away to you. You had a really wonderful relationship with your father".

So nice that I at the finally killed he. I hold back her tears and changed the subject.

"Why did not you ask Emily to help you? She is an excellent cook".

"Because I wanted to spend some' of time alone with you, just like I did with your father. And it's not true that you, are less capable with of she, treasure".

I turn my back to my mother with the excuse to bake buns and hide my distrust. I can not figure out where he wants to end. For some years our relationship has cracked. I knew that Emily's mother had come to visit his daughter and he must have repeated for the umpteenth time at my mother, that my presence hurt his daughter, it was better if I walked away from La Push. Perhaps he is simply trying to tell me that I can no longer remain in the reserve. It's something that I had already planned to do after graduation, but maybe I'll go first when the issue of Italian bloodsuckers will be resolved. It will not be easy. We shapeshifter we are tied by an invisible thread to the territory. Perhaps only the imprinting it can break this bond, and then I promised my cousin that I would be one of the bridesmaids.

The Twilight Saga: LEAH - english version (fan fiction) by uffachefaticaWhere stories live. Discover now