Author Note: I love LEAH, I warn you, to some might not like what I wrote

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Author Note: I love LEAH, I warn you, to some might not like what I wrote

Hello, my real name is Elena. I'm autistic

(But it does not mean you do not I understand anything)

and as you sees I have a soft spot for LEAH CLEARWATER. I like it so much that I cry every time I read a few pages of the Twilight saga

(But now it is also arrived the anger).

And this is one of the reasons that prompted me to write a letter to Stephenie Meyer. In a bad English of course.

To write the story, I tried imagine what life was like of LEAH before the transformation Sam. Very little is known about her in the saga and the worst thing is described by third parties who do not like her as a person. But from what little there I thought, is that once was very similar to Emily. Lovable as her cousin. After all they were very fond. If it had been a bad person Emily would not have affectionate to her, Sam would not have fallen in love with her and Jacob would never have found it beautiful. Now nobody sees she anymore, because nobody watches her more lovingly. Except Sam.

In the saga, though, LEAH is described as a bad girl and selfish. One who he believes that the world devas turn around at she. But from what I perceived is not like that, because I think the characters are others that pretend this within the Twilight universe.

(As well as to pretend also, that she be happy of the happiness of others).

And worst is they them get everything they want without doing anything to really fully deserve it. They dare to define it too presumptuous (the profoundly good Edward), hypocritical (Jacob), annoying (branco), weak or as says Billy Black: a hen.

Well now I want to know what all this evil against LEAH. Because Jacob calls she hypocritical? She not is false. She just try not to show weakness. This is a luxury that you now, she can not longer afford. Because Edward calls she presumptuous? She just tries to gain acceptance in some way from the herd. He did not want to hurt Jacob, but for them she is guilty. If there was Seth or a another of the pack would be been different. They would have forgiven and they would not have considered presumptuous. Because Billy Black calls she hen? He does not realize that for she is different and not just because it's a girl. LEAH is forced to become a warrior in spite of himself, and all his dreams burst like a soap bubble. He never asked for the moon, but a simple life, filled with love. The same dreams Emily. LEAH is also the most sensitive of the pack. He suffers a lot, but the whole thing, from the elderly, is seen only as a whim. And that says a lot about how are sages the old people Quileute. Not to mention that as soon as the pain comes, their eclipse everyone, even family members. LEAH is alone to face a larger thing about her

(When Bella is left by Edward, Jake it takes its place).

He does not even have the wolf pack near, from the beginning. I think for Embry was different, after all, he is a guy like any other. It is not a false note, a variable crazy as LEAH. They are the first to wonder if there is something wrong with her because it has transformed (Breaking Dawn).

Billy Blach hates LEAH because of Jacob. He would have flown if there was state another boy instead of LEAH. The worst thing is that he knows the girl since when she is a baby . Treating it in a manner so bad also offends the memory of the girl's father, Harry. It must be said that LEAH is not one of his daughters

(They run away from pain and are not considered selfish and weak; LEAH wants to escape from the pain and is considered selfish and weak, and she lost more of the Jake's sisters).

The Twilight Saga: LEAH - english version (fan fiction) by uffachefaticaWhere stories live. Discover now