Chapter 4

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Alexa's POV

"And this is why we can't trust him." I say, finally wrapping up my story. The girls stay quiet for a while, still comprehending what I told them. "I told yall not to trust him! See? I'm always right!" Alli happily shouts. She gets up and starts to do our victory dance by herself. "Alli, sweetie, sit down. You never even told us that." Perrie tells her. "Yeah, you were too busy gawking at him like the rest of us!" Abi adds. "Oh...well I meant to.." Alli mumbles.

"Anyways," Perrie says as she turns to look at me, "what are you going to do?"

Truthfully, I don't even know. I'm not used to this whole fake friends situation, so I don't know how to handle it. All I know is that I have to tell a certain someone about this, Harry. He deserves to know after all. I would hate for him to keep believing that Drew is on our side when really he just wants to break us up.

"Sorry guys, I gotta go. Harry and I have to talk about this." I tell them, gathering my stuff as I speak. "No problem girly! We'll see you tomorrow!" Perrie says to me as she smiles.

I make my way downstairs and open the front door. The cool air hits me as soon as I walk outside. While walking to Harry's house, I decided to call him. Pulling my phone out, I dialed his number. After 2 rings he picked up.

"Hey love! What's up?" he says cheerfully.

"Uh, I just wanted to tell you that I'm on my way over there." 

"Ok. I'll be in the living room watching the telly, so when you get here just come inside." he tells me.

"Thanks. I'll see you later then!"

"See you later, babe!"

I press the end button and slip my phone into the back pocket of my jeans. On the way to Harry's house all I could think about was his reaction. I was afraid of how he would take it. I start thinking about the pros and cons of me turning around and going home, but unfortunately for me I had already arrived at his house. Hesitantly, I open the door.

"Hey, baby!" Harry greets me as he tightly wraps his arms around me. "Gosh, Styles, can I get into the house first?" I say jokingly. "Oh, right.." he mumbles, his cheeks turning a light pink color. 

"Awwww! Look at Harry blushing! You're so cute!" Gemma teased, pinching his cheek before she sits on the couch. "Gem, you're embarrassing me." he grumbles as he turns his face away from me, attempting to hide his pink cheeks from me. The sight of him blushing makes me giggle. Gemma is right, he's so cute!

Harry intertwines his fingers with mine as we go up the stairs to his room. He closes the door behind him as we enter. "So, what do you want to do?" 

"Uh, can we talk about something? It's kinda important and I need to get it off my chest." I tell him. "Yeah, of course. What is it, Alexa?" he questions. He looks at me as if he's trying to read my actions. It's probably not that hard for him since I keep biting my lip and fidgeting with my fingers. "Alexa, baby," Harry says as he puts my hands in his, "what's going on?"

I take a deep and prepare myself to tell the story for the second time today. "Basically, we can't trust Drew anymore." I start. He gives me a confused look. "Why not?"

"Because he's trying to break us up." I tell him. "Drew hasn't even done or tried anything like that yet." he says. All of a sudden the wall became fascinating, so I turn my gaze towards it. "Or has he and I just don't know about it?" he questions me further.

Oh my gosh. Why do I have to tell him this right now? For goodness sake, why am I always put in these awkward situations? "Harry," I began, "yesterday Drew told me that you were cheating on me with Abi." I tell him. "What the hell?! Are you serious?" he shouts. I wince a bit and he must have seen because he instantly softens his voice. "I want you to know that I will never do that to you, okay? You mean so much to me. I would never ruin what we have by cheating. You deserve better than that, so everyday I make sure I treat you like the princess you are." Harry says as he kisses my hand.

Right now I just want to be close to him. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. He responds very quickly. The passion in our kiss increases. I run my fingers through Harry's curls, getting a low moan from him in return. His tongue traces my bottom lip, so I slightly open my mouth, just enough for him to enter. Our tongues fight for dominance, and of course Harry won. He slips out of my mouth as he lays me down onto the bed. We continue to kiss as he flips us over, leading me to straddle him. Our lips part ways as I begin to leave soft kisses down his jawline, then his neck. Once I heard a deep moan come from him, I knew I found his sweet spot. I softly began to suck on his skin, eventually increasing the pressure. Pulling away from his neck, I see a little lovebite beginning to form. I smile to myself, knowing that I caused that. Harry flips us over again and hovers over me. Without breaking the kiss, he reaches into his drawer to get something.

"Harry, I was- shit!" Gemma shouts as she opens his bedroom door. "I am so sorry. Uh, I'll just escort myself out..." she mumbles as she closes the door, leaving us to be alone.

"Oh god. Harry, your sister just walked in on us!!" I whisper-shout to him. "I know, I'm right next to you!" he chuckles. "And, at least it wasn't my mom or it would have been even more awkward." he adds. Yeah, he's right. If it was his mom I would have died right then and there.

"Well, I should go home now." I tell him. "Ok, I'll drive you home."

We walk outside and hop into his car. During the car ride we just had a bunch of fun telling jokes and horribly singing songs with each other. Truthfully, I was sad when we arrived at my house because I want to spend more time with him. Once we pulled up into the driveway, Harry jumped out and opened my door. "I am a gentleman, and this is what gentleman does for his lady!" Harry says in his posh British accent, making me giggle. He takes my hand and walks me to my front door. 

"Thanks for bringing me home." I say, then I give him a goodnight kiss. "I'll see you tomorrow, love!" he calls out to me as he gets into his car. "See you tomorrow!" I shout, waving as he pulls out of the driveway. 

After I enter my house, I lock the door. "How did it go with Harry?" Abi asks me as I walk past her door. "Surprisingly, he took it better than I thought he would." I confess. "That's good. Well goodnight, Lexa!" she yawns. "Goodnight, Abs!"

After putting on my pajamas, I finally feel comfortable. Flicking the switch, I turn my light off. When I got to my bed, I slid under the covers and got cozy. Today was such a long day. I was so happy to finally be able to get some rest.


(A/N): Ooh that was a little 'hot & heavy' hahaha. They would have gotten farther if Gemma didn't walk in... OH COME ON GEMMA!! You kinda ruined this whole chapter Anyways I hope you liked this chapter!! Btw, I would appreciate it if you guys would share my story with other people. I would love to get more views, votes, comments, followers, all of that stuff. Thank you so much. You guys are the best!!


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