Chapter 2

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Alexa's POV (Monday morning)

Perrie and I are walking down the hallway, chatting about Harry's upcoming surprise party. "Oh my gosh, this is going to be great!" she squeals. I can't help but laugh at her enthusiasm. Perrie is always super happy. You would have to go through literally so much just to get her upset. "I know! Yesterday I went to the mall and bought my outfit. As Gemma would say, I look 'quite sexy' in it." I tell her as we walk to the cafe. "Ooh, I wonder what Harry's going to think, actually, I wonder what he's going to do to you." Perrie smirks. My eyes widened as I realize what she meant. "You have such a dirty-" I stop in the middle of my sentence when I saw Drew hunched in the corner.

I send Perrie an 'I'll meet up with you later' look as I walk over to him. She nods and walks into the cafe to sit with our friends. "What's got you all worked up today?" I ask him as I crouch down to his level. "I have some information that you aren't gonna like..." he trails. "Ok, I'm confused. Why won't I like this 'information' you have?" I warily ask him. "Follow me." he huffs.

Drew takes my hand and leads me outside to the parking lot. This has to like super important if he couldn't tell me in the hall. "Alexa, I'm so sorry for what I'm about to tell you." he says frantically. "Drew, just spit it out!" I shout, anxious to know what's going on. He takes a deep breath and looks me straight in the eyes. "Harry and Abi have been messing around with each other." he tells me quickly.

Drew's POV

"Harry and Abi have been messing around with each other."

I can't believe those words came out of my mouth. I already feel bad for telling her this, but what makes it worse is that it's a lie. Harry's not cheating on Alexa. He would never do that. But even if he did, he wouldn't do it with her sister. It's easy to see that Harry truly does love Alexa.

You're probably wondering why I told her that if it's a lie. Let me explain what's going on. This is all happening because of a super popular girl named Brittany. She's jealous that Harry is dating Alexa, so she asked me to break them up. I really don't even want to do this, but trust me when I say Brittany Sharpe gets whatever she wants. Whether she has to ruin reputations, spread rumors, or even mess up relationships, she's willing to do it just to get what she wants. I wouldn't even be helping her if she didn't have dirt on me.

Brittany knows how much I like Alexa, and she also knows how I'm willing to get rid of anyone who stands in my way: the one and only Harry Styles. At first, I really was his friend, but now I'm faking it so I can get closer to him. The better our friendship, the more he trusts me. The more he trusts me, the more I can get inside is head and convince him to leave his girlfriend. It's a win-win situation: I'll finally have Alexa while Brittany will get Harry back. 

"Look!" I say as I guide Alexa to the window. I point to the table with our friends sitting at it. As if on cue, Harry throws his arm around Abi's shoulder. I look to my side and see a baffled Alexa. "Are you sure about this, Drew? I mean, that's a pretty big accusation you have on Harry. Do you really think he would cheat on me with my sister?" she asks me, looking straight into my eyes.

"No! I'm lying to you! Of course he isn't cheating on you. He loves you for goodness sake!" I think in my mind, but do I say that? Nope. What do I end up telling her? "You saw with your own eyes."  

What makes me sad is that Alexa trusts me. She trusts that I'm telling her the truth, and she believes I will never lie to her. If she ever finds out about this, I might as well say goodbye to our friendship. Why am I such a fuck up?


Alexa's POV

I tried not to let what Drew said get to me, but that's pretty hard when I saw my boyfriend and sister practically during lunch. A large groan escapes from my mouth as I roll over on my bed. This has to be fake. I know it is, Harry wouldn't do something like that. I thought about who I could talk to about it, Abi.

Lazily getting out of my bed, I walk over to Abi's bedroom. My fist knocks lightly on the door, not trying to disturb her. "Come in!" she shouts. I take a deep breath, open the door, and walk inside. "Oh, hey sis! What's up? You look like you've seen a ghost!" she says jokingly. I forced out a laugh and she seemed to notice. "Seriously, what's wrong?" she asks me, concern written all over her face as she sat up next to me.

"Uh, just forget it." I say as I get up, realizing this is a mistake. The look on Abi's face shows that she would never do anything to hurt me. I should have already known that from the start. "No," she says as she grabs my wrist, "tell me."

How should I say this? Nothings wrong, I just thought you and my boyfriend were hooking up with each other. No biggie. Of course I can't say it like that! She'd be furious that I even thought that in the first place! "Somebody told me that Harry was cheating on me with you." I tell her. "What? Who said that?" she shouts. "Drew told me. He said that he's seen you two together and that you guys have, quote, 'been messing around with each other.' I know, I was stupid to believe it." I explain.

"Alexa, look at me," Abi says as she turns my face towards her, "first off, Harry and I would never do that to you. Second, Harry loves you, can't you see that? And third, I have Liam! He's all I want and need." 

Once I realize that this was just plain ole stupid, I start to smile. Abi obviously wouldn't cheat on Liam, she's practically smitten by him. I have got to stop listening to rumors. If I don't, I'll end up messing up my relationship with Harry. I'm just glad I didn't come tell him about it. He would be upset that I doubted him.

"Do you wanna know why Harry and I have been so close lately?" Abi asks me. Sheepishly, I nod my head. I might as well find out the full story now before I hear it from someone else's point of view. "Harry has been asking me questions on what he should buy you for your birthday. He feels I know you the best since we're sisters, so he asked me about your likes and dislikes on things."

My mouth flies open out of shock. "Are you serious?" I ask her, kinda baffled that this whole thing was about Harry asking her what he should get me for my birthday. "Yeah," she says," and by the way, I would suggest that you stop talking to Drew. Somethings different about him; he's not that same sweet guy he used to be. He told you I was messing around with your boyfriend when all we did was talk about what gift to give you. Be careful with him, I feel as if he's starting these rumors on purpose." she tells me. I nod my head and give her a hug. "Lexa, you're my younger sister, even though I'm only 3 minutes older than you...But that's besides the point. I just want you to know I would never do something like that to you. Can you remember that for me?" she asks me as we pull out of our hug. "Yeah, I'll keep that in mind"

When I went back to my room, I instantly plopped back onto my bed. All I could think about was Drew. Why would he do something like that? Why did he feel the need to lie? I was determined that tomorrow at school I would find out what's wrong with him.


(A/N): And the drama begins!! YAYYY!!! I love writing dramatic chapters. I'm hoping to update everyday at least once or twice. Following me, commenting, and voting for this story would be very nice and doing that will cause me to love you forever!! Well, I guess that's the end of my author's note. Hope you liked this chapter! :)


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