Chapter 25

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Harry’s POV

As I walk up the stairs, once again the thoughts from earlier today come back to my mind. I seriously need to talk to someone about this, but the question is who? It’s not like I’m gonna talk to my mum or Robin cos that would just be plain awkward. Yes, I know that both of them love me and that they’ll always be there for me but no, I’m not talking to them about my relationship with Alexa. The boys wouldn’t be much help either since they don’t understand what I’m going through.

Liam treats Abi as if she’s the best thing on earth. No matter what Louis does, he always manages to put a huge smile on Eleanor’s face. Zayn is completely smitten with Perrie that it’s almost unreal. Alli doesn’t even need to lift a finger because Niall will literally do anything for her. Part of me wonders why I can’t be like the lads.

A bunch of questions immediately spring up. Do I treat Alexa like she’s the best thing to come into my life? Do I make her smile more than she cries? Do I give her everything that she deserves? The answer to all of those questions, sadly, is no. I know for a fact that Lexa has no clue that she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me and that’s because I don’t show her. Knowing that she has spent time crying because of things I’ve done to her pains me. It also hurts to know that there are so many things that Alexa wants and deserves but she’ll never get thanks to me. She won’t get it because I can’t provide it. How much of a shit boyfriend am I?

I groan in frustration. There’s no one that I can vent to. Pulling myself out of my thoughts, I realize there actually is one person that I can talk to. Gemma. Why didn’t I think about this from the start? I swear I’m always complicating things…

Turning towards her bedroom, I lightly knock on her door. I can hear her feet shuffling before she finally opens the door. Gemma looks up at me and waves for me to come in.

“Hey, can I talk to you about something? It’s really starting to get to me.”

“Of course, little bro! Come sit here.” My sister says, patting a spot next to her. I walk further into her room and plop next to her on the corner of her bed. “Now tell me what’s up with you? You seem like you’re in a funk.”

“That’s because I am in a funk.”

“Okay, Harold. Let me guess, you need more relationship advice.” She says, guessing correctly. “Don’t call me that.” I growl.

I don’t like when people call me that. Harold sounds like an old guy’s name. I absolutely hate it. What the hell was going through my mum’s mind when she was giving birth to me? Obviously nothing good since she came up with such a horrible name…

“Whatever, Harold.” She rolls her eyes at me. I shoot a deadly glare at her and she laughs. “I’m just kidding! Geez, calm down! Anyways, was I right?”

“As much as I hate to admit this, yes, you’re right.” I answer. The famous Styles smirk instantly appears on her face and it just makes me sick. See? This is why I never admit when Gemma’s right about something because she always gets stupid grin and she’ll end up rubbing it in my face later on.

“Harold, when will you learn that I’m always right?” she laughs. Told you this would happen. She’s already starting to gloat. Wow, a new record.

“You know you’re a complete pain in the ass, right?” I sigh.

“Yup! It just so happens that you always come to this ‘pain in the ass’ because I always give great advice and that is something that you can’t argue with.” She replies. Yeah, she’s right. I’m just making sure I don’t say that to her out loud. There’s no way I’m repeating the mistake of telling her she’s right.

“Alright, whatever. Anyways, lately I’ve been feeling like I’m not the type of guy Alexa needs. She deserves better than me, ya know?” I say.

“Harry, has she told you that you aren’t the guy she needs?”


“Then that’s the answer. If Lexa hasn’t said anything close to that then there’s no need for you to worry. She’s content with being with you, not Drew or any other boy, you. You’re the one she wants. As long as you don’t fuck up again you’ll keep being the only one she wants. Stop worrying so much, okay? If you keep overthinking this stuff it’s gonna stress you out and cause you to lose her.” Gemma tells me.

I let the words sink into my brain. You’re the one she wants. I’m the one Lexa wants. Not Drew, not Jake, or any other guy she’s met. Me and only me. All I have to do to keep that the same is not fuck up. Sounds like a simple task, right? Well guess what? If you haven’t already learned this, simple tasks aren’t exactly something I can do successfully. No matter how easy it sounds I always find a way to mess it up. I just pray to God that I don’t do anything stupid any time soon.

“Thanks, Gemma. All jokes aside, you’re actually quite a great sister to have. Thanks for always having my back.” I say to her, being completely serious.

“Harry, I’m your older sister. I’m supposed to have your back. That’s what family does for each other, alright? You don’t have to thank me.” She answers.

“I know, but I want to. It feels like the right thing to do.” I reply. Then I did something that I haven’t done in a while. I hugged my sister. It literally doesn’t happen that often, so both of us are kind of shocked.

“Um, well I’m gonna go to my room now.” I say. Gemma nods her head and smiles.

Getting up from the bed, I leave her room, go into my room, and plop onto my own bed. Ahh, that’s more like it. I let the covers engulf me as I soak in the warmth from them. You know what sounds good right about now? A nap. You know who’s gonna take a nap? Me.


(A/N): Getting closer to Alexa's birthday!!! Hmmm, I wonder what's gonna happen a few days after that...........AHHHH I CAN'T WAIT FOR YOU GUYS TO READ WHAT I HAVE IN STORE FOR YOU!!!!! Btw if you haven't noticed I've been updating more frequently. BE PROUD OF ME!! Hahah but seriously I'm trying to finish this story so I can post my next one. Don't worry though cuz I have about 30 chapters left for this story :). I hope you like this chapter. Btw I know it's short but I decided that it's better to post short ones than not post at all. NEXT CHAPTER'S GONNA BE UP EITHER TODAY OR TOMORROW!!! It depends on my stomach and how long I can wait until I eat my dinner.


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