Chapter 3

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Alexa's POV

Tuesday afternoon I was determined. As soon as the bell rang to signal lunch, I zoomed downstairs. I was going to see what the hell was wrong with Drew, no matter what I have to do. He's my friend, so I want to find out what's going on as soon as possible.

Once I entered the cafe, instead of finding Drew, I see Brittany. I bet she has something to do with this, she has to. Every time she comes around he starts acting differently. I walk up to her and grab her wrist. "What the hell are you doing? Let me go!!" she shouts, wriggly out of my grip. "No. I have to talk to you about something and I'm not taking no for an answer." I respond, tightening my grip on her. "Fine.." she grumbles. People start to stare at us as I drag her outside. "Take a fucking picture cuz it lasts longer bitches!" Brittany shouts at them. They quickly turn around and continue their conversations.

"So what do want?" she asks as we stand outside next to the lunchroom door. "I want to know what you're doing to Drew. Every time you go near him he tenses up and starts acting squirmish and weird!" I complain. "Oh, trust me, if you knew something I knew, you'd understand why he acts that way around me." she chuckles darkly. 

Okay now she's creeping me out. It's seems as if she always has super important information, all the time. I swear she's a spy or a ninja or something. Or maybe she stalks people until she gets what she wants from gotta admit, that does sound like something Brittany would do. She loves drama and gossip, so she'll do anything to get some.

"What are you talking about?" I ask her, completely confused. "Drew likes you, and I know about it." she states. Is she serious? Is this really the information she has? How obvious can you get? "No shit he likes me, that's kinda why we're friends, cuz we like each other. I wouldn't hang out with him if I didn't like him." I tell her, stating the obvious. Brittany huffs loudly, annoyed at me. "No, you dumb shit, he likes you as in he wants to be with you. He wants you to be his girlfriend. Drew wants to break you and Harry up so he can have you." she explains to me.

There is no way this is true. For goodness sake, how can I even trust her? Brittany is the queen of lying! For all I know, she's doing it right now! No need to get worked up over nothing, right? "You're lying." I say quickly, trying to dismiss what she said. "Why would I lie to you? We both know I hate you, so there's no need for me to hide my motives. Unlike me, Drew actually likes you. He's being fake towards you, pretending to be your friend so he can get into that pretty little head of yours. If he can trick you into breaking up with Harry, he'll finally have you as his girlfriend. Trust me, Alexa," Brittany says as she puts her hand on my shoulder, "there's no need for me to be fake to you. Like I said before, I hate you. I wouldn't waste my time being nice to you."

We both know everything she said was true. Especially the part about her hating me. Oh, how she shows me that everyday. There literally hasn't been one day that she hasn't expressed her hate for me. It's kinda sad...

"Wait, then why are you being nice to me now?" I question, slightly confused to why she is still talking to me. Normally she would have huffed, rolled her eyes, and then leave, but that didn't happen this time. "No sweetie, there's a difference between informing you about something and being nice. I will assure you that I'm not being nice. I don't want Drew to hurt you because I am the only one allowed to do that." she states, flicking her bleach-blonde hair over her shoulder. Just when I thought she could actually be changing, leave it to her to say something like that. You go!

"Okay then...well I'm gonna go now..." I say, leaving her outside while I go meet up with my friends. "What was that about?" Eleanor asks me as soon as I sit down at the table. "Yeah, you never like when Bitchny talks to you, so why are you all of a sudden going up to her?" Alli questions. "Jeez, guys, maybe instead of being models you should be detectives!" I say jokingly. "But on a serious note, I just wanted to know what the hell she was doing to Drew." I tell them. "Well, aren't you gonna tell us what went down over there? It looked pretty juicy to me!" Abi says to me. I signal for them to huddle closer to me. "This is some serious info I got, so no one, and I mean no one, can hear this other than us." I tell them, barely above a whisper. They all nod their heads, realizing that this isn't something we can discuss at school. "How about my place? My mum says we can't have a sleepover tonight because of her work party, but we can still hang out upstairs in my room." Perrie suggests to us. We all cheer and do our little victory dance. Yeah, we actually came up with a victory dance. Basically, all you do is thrash your arms in one direction while your hips go the other way. I know, it sounds intense. That's because it is!

We all plop into our seats tiredly after we finish dancing. After talking and finishing our lunches, the bell rang. "Okay, I'll see you guys in a little bit!" I shout to my friends as I walk to my next class. "Yupp, see ya later!" they shout back. 

For the rest of the school day all I can think about is Drew and how much of a dick he is. Just thinking about him makes me sick. And to think that he's pretending to be me and Harry's friend just to break us up. What's even worse is that I actually thought he was being a true friend to me. It was all just a big, fat, lie. Oh, I can't wait until Harry hears about this...


As soon as the bell rang, I ran out of my class and to Alli's car. The anticipation of what I found out about Drew was killing us. I can't wait to tell them so I can finally get it off of my chest, while they're just anxious to know what the hell is happening to him. As soon as we got to Perrie's house, we rush into her bedroom. "Ok, so what exactly is going on?" Perrie asks me as she shuts her door, proceeding to lock it.

I take a seat on the bed while Perrie, Eleanor, Abi, and Alli sit around me, waiting for me to tell the story. They're probably going to hate him after I'm done but oh well. That's Drew's fault, not ours.

"It all starts like this..."


(A/N): DUN DUN DUN!!!!! Drama drama drama!! I LOVE IT!! I'm sorry for not exactly updating yesterday or the day before that. To make up for it, I plan to update 2 more chapters today!! If I don't do 2 I'll just do one. Btw, I have a celebrity cast for this story. This is how it goes:

Alex Steele is Alexa Evans

Cristine Prosperi is Abi Evans

Nina Dobrev is Mya Evans

James Franco is Jonathan Evans(Dad)

Penelope Cruz is Mariah Evans(Mom)

Perrie Edwards is herself

Liam Payne is himself

Louis Tomlinson is himself

Niall Horan is himself

Zayn Malik is himself

Harry Styles is himself

Luke Bilyk is Drew King

Well that's the celebrity cast, so if you want to know what the characters look like, just Google those names! I hope you guys liked this chapter!!! :)

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