Chapter 5

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Alexa's POV

My alarm clock buzzed, causing me to instantly shoot up. I rolled over and pressed the snooze button. Today is gonna be a suckish day, I can feel it. Especially because of Drew. Ooh right now he just makes me want to rip him up into shreds. Violent, I know, but it's true.

Reluctantly, I get out of my bed and start my morning routine. I grab my items and head into the bathroom. The shower was just the right temperature, not too cold but not cool hot. I let the water massage my body and relax me. The water started to get colder, signally that it's time for me to get out. 

I step out of the shower and wrap myself in my towel. After fully drying, I go into my room and find some clothes to put on. In my closet, I found a mint green crop t-shirt with cream and coral floral shorts. The tan beaded sandals I have go perfectly with my outfit, so I decide to wear them. In my jewelry box I choose to put on mixed bangles, a tiny golden bow necklace, and light pink rose earrings. Before I leave my room, I grab my pink Chloe shoulder bag.

"Good morning mom, dad, Mya, and Abi." I grumble while walking down the stairs. "What's wrong, Alexa? You seem upset." Mom says, being the concerned parent she is. I know I can't hide anything from my mom, so why try now. "Someone that I thought was my friend turns out to be a fake. He just wants to make me break up with my boyfriend." I tell her. 

"Oh, sweetie." she comforts me, rubbing my back as she hugs me. "It will get better, I promise. Do you mind telling me who this person is?"

Should I tell my mom? It's not like she can do anything about it. She doesn't even know Drew, I don't think so anyways. Well, I have to get it off my chest, and the best person to talk to is my mom. "It's this boy at my school named Andrew King. We were really good friends until I found out what he was trying to do. Now I can't stand him..." I trail.

"Everything happens for a reason. Maybe this was to show you who your real friends are. There are so many fake people in this world, so maybe this happened to help you find out who they are at your school. The good thing is now you know his motives, so you don't have to trust him anymore. You can be classmates, but you don't have to be his friend." My mom tells me, sharing some of her wisdom. She always finds some way to make me happy.

"Thanks mom, I'll remember that." I say as I give her another hug. I swear my mom is the best mom ever. She always finds time to help my family whenever we have problems, unlike my dad. He's a lawyer, so he never really gets to spend time with us anymore, and when he does it's only for a short amount of time. I haven't told my mom this, but I feel as if our family is slowly falling apart. In New York everything was going just fine, but now that we're in California we seem to be having a lot more problems than usual. It's almost as if dad drowns himself in his job so he doesn't have to spend time with us. But of course I won't tell my mom that...

My mom pulls away from the hug and goes back to cleaning the living room. "Here, have a muffin." Mya tells me as she hands me my breakfast. "Thanks!"

Alli's car honked, causing Abi and I to rush outside. "What's up guys?" she asks us as we get in. "I'm still pissed at Drew." I grumble. "Yeah, just wait until Harry gets his hands on him." Abi states. "Ooh, now I have got to see that. That's a fight I would pay for." Alli says. Leave it to Alli to like the violence in things. 

Much to my disappointment, the car ride didn't last long. In about 15 minutes we arrived at our school. "Time to go into this hell hole." I mumble, groggily getting out of the car. "Don't worry, Lexa. Whatever happens, I have your back." Abi says reassuringly as she grabs my hand. "Yeah, me too!" Alli agrees as she grabs my other hand.

"And my worst day of school should start right" I say just as the first period bell rang.


My friends and I were walking down the hall when we heard 2 people arguing. As we went further down the hall, I saw who they were: Harry and Drew.

"Just stay away from my girlfriend, okay?" Harry shouts. "Guess what? Maybe I don't want to. Maybe you should go away!" Drew counters, stepping up to him. "Whatever. I'm not wasting my time with you." he replies, walking away.

All of a sudden Drew throws a punch at him. Harry instantly turns around and charges at him. It all happened so fast that I can barely realize what's happening. Harry had Drew up against the lockers as he continuously punches him across the face. 

I felt my legs run over to them, even though I didn't even realize it. "Harry, stop it!!" I shrieked. They didn't seem to listen to me because they kept going. It took Louis, Niall, and Zayn to hold him back. "Harry," Liam says to him, "stop it, mate. You're scaring Alexa."

As if to see what Liam was saying we true, Harry looks at me. His face drops as he sees my facial expression. He gets out of their grasp and comes over to me. Just as he was about to hug me, I backed away from him. I didn't want to, believe me, I just wanted to jump into his arms and hold him. But I was still shocked and a bit afraid of what just happened. 

Realizing that I wasn't going to let him touch me, he simply nodded and whispered "I'm sorry you had to see that."

I just stood there, not moving an inch. "C'mon, let's go." Abi tells me, grabbing my hand and quickly walking to my class. In class, almost everyone was silent. I'm guessing they all witnessed what happened, because they all seemed to be staring at me. Already feeling embarrassed, I dropped my face between my arms as I rested my head on my desk. 

"It's ok, Lexa. He did what he had to do. You just gotta trust him." Abi whispers to me, rubbing my back. "Yeah, but I just don't him to get hurt. He means so much to me." I tell her, practically on the verge of tears. You would cry too if you just witnessed your boyfriend getting punched. "I know. Like Abi said before, you just have to trust him. He knows what he's doing." Perrie tells me reassuringly.

I hope they're right.


(A/N): Short chapter, I know. I just wanted to update somthing. The next one will be up in about an hour or so. Yeah, I don't have anything else to say soo bye!!


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