Chapter 38

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Alexa’s POV

I was in the middle of a good night’s sleep when my door busted open. Frightened, I shoot up and stare at the culprit. A furious Jonathan entered my bedroom with a frazzled Mariah trailing closely behind. What is going on?

“Do you want to explain this, young lady?” my father shouts as he forces his phone in front of my eyes. Due to me still being in sleep-mode, I’m not able to process anything he’s trying to show me.

“Dad, it’s pretty late. I can’t even function right now, so whatever this is, can we talk about it tomorrow?” I ask, taking my fists and attempting to wipe the tiredness from my eyes. I take a quick look at my alarm clock to check the time. It’s 2:14 AM.

“Of course you can’t function from all that partying you did tonight! I bet you’re hung-over right now!”

“Party? What party?”

My dad picks up a picture frame from my desk and throws it against the wall. Mom and I flinch at the sound. The glass shatters into hundreds of tiny pieces. A few seconds after the incident, my sisters rush into my room.

“What the hell is going on right now? And why did I just hear breaking glass?” Mya demands as soon as she walks in.

“You’re little sister thinks it’s okay to go to parties when we specifically set rules on not going out on Sunday nights.” He answers, sending a deadly glare my way.

“Oh my gosh! For the love of God, what party are you taking about? I didn’t even go anywhere!” I sassily reply. I know it’s not good to talk to your parents like that, but I have finally lost the last straw with my dad. He’s gone way too far this time. Seriously, from busting into my room to breaking my picture, it’s all too much for me right now.

“Don’t act all innocent now, missy. A few hours ago, you snuck out of this house and went to a party, deliberately disobeying my rules.” My dad tells me.

“Mom!” I screech in disbelief of what I’m hearing, “Can you please talk some sense into him? I’ve never sneaked out before, so why would I start now?”

My mother just looks at me and shakes her head. Not once in my eighteen years of life have I ever seen her so disappointed in me. I just don’t understand why; I truly didn’t do anything.

Mya quickly comes to my defense. “Dad, when I came home around midnight the two of them were sleeping. Neither of them went anywhere.”

“Yeah,” Abi agrees, “and the two of us were studying from noon all the way until about six o’clock because we eventually got bored of schoolwork. That’s when we made dinner and then watched a movie.”

“Like I said multiple times; I didn’t go to a party.” I say for what seems like then tenth time this night, or morning to be technical.

“Abigail,” my mom uses my sister’s legal name which means she’s really upset, “don’t cover up for your sister. It’ll only make problems worse.”

That’s when our mother turned to look at me again. “Not only did you sneak out, but you lied about it. Alexa, what happened to you? You were always such a trustworthy kid so what went wrong?”

“She got wrapped up in that Styles boy, that’s what happened. I bet he’s the reason she snuck out in the first place!” my father shouts as if he found the clue that solved the crime.

“Don’t you dare try to drag Harry into this!”

“Don’t speak to your father like that!” Mom scolds me. Why is she defending him? She of all people should know how he always tries to punish me for things that aren’t my problem.

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