Chapter 24

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Harry’s POV

Liam and I say our goodbyes as we both leave to go home. During the short ride all I could think about was Alexa and everything that’s happened between us since the first day I laid eyes on her to this day. My mind is still reeling because of what Drew said. I need to show her how much I care. That’s why I’m so determined to throw this birthday party for her. It needs to be absolutely perfect because she deserves the best in everything.

One thought keeps popping up. What if Lexa leaves me soon? As much as I hate to admit it, Drew was right when he said I don’t show her how much I love her. I’m trying to, I really am, but what if it’s not enough? What if she realizes that I don’t deserve her? What if she leaves me for someone like Drew? Actually, the person would be Drew. He’s not even with her and he can show her that he truly cares better than I do. That’s quite a shame. To be honest, he’s not as much of a dick as I like to make it seem. The only reason he did what he did is because he’s in love with Lexa. Hell, if I was in his shoes I would have done the same thing so I can’t blame him. Yeah, lying to someone and trying to trick them into thinking their boyfriend was cheating on them isn’t exactly the best thing to do, but love makes you act in crazy ways.

Before I know it, I’m already pulling into my driveway. Wow, that was quick. I guess everything goes much faster when you’re in deep thought. Hopefully I can get my thoughts under control though. Don’t want to be overthinking things all the time…

Grabbing my backpack, I walk to the front door. When I twist the knob and enter into the living room I see my mum and Robin sitting on the couch watching something on the TV. I greet them as I put my bag on the rack by the door.

“Hey mum, can I ask you something?” I ask.

“Of course, honey. What is it?” she answers, turning down the volume a bit so she can hear me better.

“Ok, so you know how Liam and I have been planning Lexa and Abi’s surprise birthday party, right?” I start. She nods her head and waits for me to continue. “Well I was wondering if you could convince Mrs.Evans to let us do the party at their house.”

“Why don’t you just go and ask her?”

“I would but Lexa’s dad isn’t exactly my biggest fan. He’d probably throw me out as soon as I got there.”

“Can’t you just meet up with the lady somewhere and talk to her about it in private?” Robin interjects.

“Uh, no. Do you know how bad that looks to be meeting up with my girlfriend’s mum somewhere? Someone already accused me of cheating on Lexa with her sister, her twin sister, and I definitely don’t want someone to say I’m cheating with her mum. Yeah, Mrs.Evans is an attractive woman, but that would just be utterly disgusting…” I trail, shuddering at the thought.

“Wait, what? Someone accused you of cheating on Alexa with Abi?” my step-dad queries.

“Yeah, but that’s not the point. What I’m trying to say is that I need you to talk to her for me.” I say, turning to look at my mum.

She just sits on the couch and stays silent. We both wait for her to say something. Finally, after what seems like a whole minute or two, she answers.

“Fine, I’ll do it,” she responds, “but how? Harry, I barely even know this woman so how do I talk to her long enough to even bring this whole party situation up?”

“I’ve got it all mapped out, mother!”  I say with smirk. She rolls her eyes and I laugh while Robin just shakes his head and chuckles. “You can call their house and talk to Mariah, by the way that’s her name, and tell her that you would love to get to know her better. Invite her over for some tea or something and then you two can talk about all the sappy woman things your heart can desire. Then, you can squeeze the birthday party into the conversation and see what she says about it.”

“Wow, he actually did have it all mapped out.” Robin says, causing my mum to chuckle.

“Okay, Harry. I’ll call her today but I’ll invite her to come over tomorrow because it’s a bit after 5 o’clock and that’s too late for a tea time. Maybe I’ll have her come tomorrow in the afternoon, that way I can text you the details on what she said and you & Liam can start buying the supplies for the party right after school.” She replies.

“Sounds like a plan!” I agree. “But mum, in all seriousness, do you even know how to text?”

She shoots me a glare, instantly making me wish I kept my mouth shut. “Of course I know how to text! How old do you think I am?” she argues.

“Oh I don’t know, somewhere in your late seventies, early eighties…” I joke. My mum gasps and flicks, yes she literally flicks my arm.

“Don’t worry about him sweetheart. You’ll always be in your early thirties to me.” Robin coos. “Oh, honey, that’s so sweet!” my mum replies. He leans over and kisses her.

“Okay, it’s time for me to go cos I don’t want to watch you guys get into a full snog session…Thanks again mum.” I say. Neither of them even hear me because they’re so caught up in each other. Ew. How gross. Is that what parents think us teenagers do all the time? If they do then that’s just sad. Not every teenager is hormonal… well I don’t think so anyway…


(A/N): Short chapter, Ik. I just wanted to quickly post something so you guys would at least have something to read. I'm currently writing the next chapter so it will be up before tomorrow. And I PROMISE that chapter 25 will be up today. Just be patient :)


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