Chapter 21

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Alexa’s POV

My alarm clock sounded and I knew that my worst day ever was going to start. Three main reasons for me saying this: dad is cancelling the restraining, Brittany is going to be able to rip me to shreds, and basically my life is going to go back to sucking. Oh, and I forgot to say that my dad has a strong dislike for Harry, so I doubt that he’ll be able to come here often.

It seems like everything that makes me happy my dad has to rip it away from me. New York; my favorite place in the whole world. What did he do? He made us move all the way across the freakin country just for the sake of ‘more clients’ being here. Seriously, there’s just as much clients in New York as there is here in California. What a load of bullshit.

Another thing; my bestfriends. You probably thought I just completely forgot about them, right? Well you’re wrong. He won’t allow them to come here anymore because they ‘take up too much space in our house’. First of all, I have three bestfriends plus Rachael and Savannah. That’s only five people. Since when did five people take up too much space? It’s not like I’m piling the whole damn school into my house. And when they’re here they’re not even in the rest of the house, only my room. When did my room become the whole house?? Someone please explain this to me.

This one really pissed me off; Harry. Besides my family and friends, Harry truly makes me happy. He’s just so corny and adorable that it’s hard not to love him. ‘Like’ him, I meant to use the word ‘like’. Anyways, my dad knows that and what did he end up doing? Telling Harry to stay away from me. Wow Jonathan, you deserve the award Best Father of The Year. My sisters, my mom, and I are sooo proud of the decisions you make. You’re such a family man! If you don’t understand that I’m being completely sarcastic right now then I don’t know what to tell you…

Pulling myself out of my thoughts, I rush to the bathroom and start my morning routine. After taking my shower I throw on a yellow tank top, a pair of shorts, and gold sandals. Carefully, I put on a gold heart necklace that I recently bought and pair it with my charm bracelet to complete my outfit. Grabbing my backpack from behind my bedroom door, I walk downstairs to get my breakfast.

“Goodmorning, Alexa.” My dad greets as he sees me walk into the kitchen. I simply roll my eyes and continue preparing my muffin.

“Oh, so this is what’s happening? First I get the silent treatment from Abi, now you? Who’s next, Mya? Seriously, what is the problem with you girls?” he continues.

“Dad, lay off, alright? I wouldn’t exactly want to talk to you either after what you did to both, Harry and Liam. Cut them some slack.” Mya says, coming to my rescue. I smile at her and whisper ‘thanks’. She nods her head as if to say ‘you’re welcome’.

“Lexa, come on. Alli’s waiting for us outside.” Abi reminds me. I quickly finish my muffin and follow her to the car. First we pick up Perrie and Eleanor, then we drive straight to our school.

“Okay, we deff need to find some time to chill together. And no, school won’t cut it. I mean like actually hanging out; not talking to each other at lunch.” Alli complains.

“Seriously, when’s the last time we’ve had a fun sleepover together? I know Savannah and Rachael are cool, but sometimes I want it to be just us, ya know, how it used to be.” Eleanor adds.

I know exactly how they feel. It’s nice hanging out with Rachael and Savannah, but it just doesn’t feel the same whenever they’re around. No matter how cool they are, they’ll never replace my 4 bestfriends. Never in a million years.

Eleanor, Perrie, Alli, and Abi are the kind of friends that everybody wishes they could have but they can’t. I’m very fortunate to have found my true friends. People usually talk about how you only get one in a lifetime; I ended up getting four. It’s only been about six months that I’ve known Perrie and Eleanor but it feels like forever. I guess time flies fast when you’re enjoying yourself. And I can surely say that those girls have helped me enjoy myself here in California. At first I felt homesick because I was so use to being in New York. Living here has taught me to not always stick by what’s normal, to change it up a bit.

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