Chapter 33

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Harry’s POV (that same day)

The last bell of the school day rang. Liam and I quickly got all of our things and hopped into my car. Today is the day that we’re going to set up the Evans’ house for the party tomorrow. The twins are at Eleanor’s house for a sleepover, so we have more than enough time to get everything put in place. This is going to be fun.

“Liam, what did Zayn say about being the DJ for tomorrow night?” Reaching out for the volume button, I slightly turn it left so the sound of the radio lowers and I can hear his response.

“He agreed and promised to bring his laptop so he can fill the playlist with a bunch of Lexa & Abi-like music. But Harry, do you think it’s a good idea for him to do this? Ya know, since Perrie is gonna be there?”

“Of course it is! Even if it isn’t, it doesn’t matter. Those two can’t avoid each other forever.” I explain to Liam. He nods his head knowing what I said is true. No matter how hard they try to stay away from one another they’re bound to end up falling into each other’s arms. I mean, come on, they’re Zayn and Perrie. The longest those two have been separated is like a month, and that was only because she was in a different country! We all know how this is going to end; Zayn is going to beg Perrie for her forgiveness, she’ll give it to him, and they’ll get back together as if nothing bad even happened between them. Perrie isn’t capable of holding a grudge for too long and Zayn knows it. She’ll eventually get over that whole situation that caused them to break up. I hope so anyway for Zayn’s sake.

“So how are you and Abi doing?” I ask, changing the subject to something that Liam is surely going to enjoy talking about. As predicted, a giant smile forms on his face just from hearing his girlfriend’s name. I swear Abi has turned him into a mush.

“We’re doing great! Last night I called her and we had a conversation about colleges. I told her how I’m considering going to NYU with her later on this year so we won’t have to be separated. It’s a win-win situation; Abi gets to live in New York again while studying everything there is to know about art, and I get to stay with the girl I love. How awesome is that!” he exclaims.

Shit. I forgot all about that. I’ve been so busy thinking about all this other stuff that I completely forgot that we’re going to be graduating in about 4 months. That’s when the real challenges such as different colleges, time zones, long distance, and class schedules will take its toll. So far I’ve only applied for two universities, both of them happening to be in the UK. I plan on moving back to England once I finish school here. It just doesn’t feel right here in America. I’ve literally been living here for about 9 years and I still feel like an outcast, like I don’t belong. You don’t know how aggravating it is to have people constantly ask ‘Are you British? Say something with a British accent’. I’m just like are you dumb, or are you dumb? Literally everything I say is going to be done with a British accent because I’m fucking British! Honestly, what did you expect? It’s not like I’m speaking another language or anything, it’s still English! It’s just that I happen to have an accent. Nothing serious. Sorry for the rant but that just burns me up.

Back to what’s really important; how am I going to tell Alexa that I’m moving back to the UK? I can’t just suddenly drop it on her now, but I also can’t avoid it and wait too long or she’ll get upset that I kept it from her. I swear the bad and really complicating things always happen to me…

“Harry, what are you thinking about? You seem to be zoning out again.” Liam waves his hand in my face, trying to get my attention.

“I’m trying to reason with myself on how I should break it to Alexa that after we graduate I’m moving back to England.”

Being Your Girl [Harry Styles] (Sequel to NYAG)Where stories live. Discover now