Chapter 6

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Alexa's POV

A few class periods passed, and soon it was lunch time. I grabbed my friends hands and rushed us to the cafe. "Geez, Lexa, slow down! I'm gonna trip in my heels." Eleanor complained. I just laughed and kept going. By the time we reached the cafe, everyone was already inside. Wow, I actually thought if we rushed we could get our lunch first. I guess not.

Just as we were about to enter the cafe, Brittany and her squad came by. "Did you enjoy the fight that happened earlier?" Savannah sneered. "Do you ever enjoy shutting up?" I shot back. Brittany stepped up to me. "Look, how about you shut up before I make you." she threatened. "Oh, please, you won't lay a finger on me." I countered.

By now the whole cafe is staring at us. The tension is building up, and any minute it could just blow. "Actually, I will." Brittany tells me, pushing me into the wall to prove a point. "Are you serious? I thought a girl like you could do better than that." I say as I walk away from her. You can hear all the 'oohs coming from our fellow classmates. Next thing I know, Brittany spins me around and slaps me dead across my face.

Ok, now I know my parents don't want me fighting at school, but they're just gonna have to deal with it. I back handed her so hard that you could literally hear the smacking sound from anywhere in the cafe. She charged at me, and then we ended up on the ground. I grab her hair and yank her head back while she yelps in pain. "BITCH FIGHT!" some idiot shouted. Brittany started clawing at me. Her nails are really sharp, so it cut kinda deep into my skin. I got on top of her and punched her straight in the nose. 

I felt a few pair of hands pulling me off of her. When I turned my head, I saw it was Harry and Liam. "YOU LITTLE SHIT!!" Brittany shrieked as she ran towards me. Zayn and Louis grab her before she can get to me. "You are so fucking lucky I can get to you cuz I'd beat the shit out of you!" I spat. Harry instantly tightened his hold on me.

"ALEXA! BRITTANY! IN MY OFFICE NOW!!" Mr.Pryor shouts at us, his face turning an unhealthy shade of red. Just to make sure we didn't keep fighting each other, the boys made us take different ways to the principal's office. "Alexa, baby, are you alright?" Harry asks me as he looks me over. "Yeah, I'm fine." I grumble. "Just a few cuts and bruises, but I'll live."

Once Brittany and I both enter the principal's office, he tells the boys to leave. I never thought I would ever be in a situation like this. I've only been here like once, and that was because I had to give him something from my teacher that day. "I'm calling up both of your parents right now. We need to have a group discussion with them." Mr.Pryor tells us.

Thankfully, he called Brittany's parents first. They agreed to come down to the school. Then he called my parents. I started squirming in my seat, knowing that my parents are going to be pissed that I got into a fight. 

I stare at the clock for what seems like forever until the office door opens. Mr.Pryor's secretary, Mrs.Henderson, walked in. "Mr & Mrs.Evans and Mr & Mrs.Sharpe are here." she announces. "Good. Send them in." 

First Brittany's parents came in, then mine. Just looking at my mom made me feel disappointed in myself. My parents sat on both sides of my chair, my mom on the right and my dad on the left. I started feeling like they were closing in on me. Oh, I can't wait to get out of here!

"Glad to see that you could all make it today. It seems as if these two young ladies are having some issues towards each other. When I entered the cafe to get some lunch, I spotted them physically fighting. I separated them and had them sent to my office as soon as possible." he tells our parents. "I think we need to have a group discussion about this."

"This group discussion won't be needed. I'll speak with my child at home." my dad tells him. "That's your decision as parents. Now our decision as a school is that they need to be punished. Both with attend detention after school; Alexa for one week, Brittany for two weeks. Understood?" Mr.Pryor says. Our parents nod at him. "Just so you know, both of them have to go home now. They are not allowed to stay here for the rest of the school day because of their encounter." he adds.

"Ok. Let's go, Alexa. Have a nice day Mr.Pryor." my mom says as we leave the office. I go to my locker and grab all of my homework and anything else I'll need. My parents meet up with me by the car. The whole ride home was quiet. Little did I know that all hell was going to break loose when we got home...


"Alexa, what the hell is wrong with you?" my dad shouts as soon as we get in the house. "I send you to school to get an education and look what happens? You get into fights with your fellow classmates!" 

"Jonathan, don't you think you're being a bit hard on her? For goodness sake, we haven't even heard her side of the story!" my mom says calmly. "Fine! Tell me your part of the story." my dad huffs.

"To make it plain and simple, Brittany hates me. She's doing everything she can to make my life horrible. She's waiting for Harry and me to break up so she can have him. I have a feeling that she's the one turning Drew against me. Everyday she insults me for no apparent reason. She's just such a bitch!" I shout, tearing up at the end.

My mom rushes to my side and tightly hugs me. "That doesn't give you the right to get into a fight with her! I never expected you to do something like this! Alexa, you are going to be grounded for a very long time." my dad says angrily. 

"Jonathan," my mom says as she steps up to him,"our daughter is being a victim of bullying! She practically hates going to school now because she knows she'll just face Brittany again! From what I'm hearing, this girl constantly harasses Alexa, and all you can think about is punishing her? The real person that needs to be punished is Brittany, not Alexa!" my mom tells him.

"Well since you know so much, Mariah, what should I do to prevent this from happening?" he asks her. "You're a lawyer for goodness sake, it's called file a restraining order. First, she verbally abused Alexa. Now she's physically hurting her. Brittany has taken it too far." she says.

My dad's face expression turns into one of shock. "I can't file a restraining order on a teenager!" he says. "You're telling me that you would help one of your clients but you won't help your own daughter?" she responds. He huffs out of frustration. "Fine, I'll do it. But you must know that this is going to take a lot of paper work, okay?" he says to me. I nod my head, not being able to speak.

"I'll go get those papers right now. Alexa, just go upstairs and do your homework. Don't forget you aren't allowed to leave the house today since you couldn't fully attend school." my dad tells me right before he leaves.

"Thanks for sticking up for me, mom. You didn't have to." I say. "Of course I did! You're my daughter, and I won't let someone accuse you of something you didn't do. Not even your father." she replies. I give her a small smile and tightly hug her. "You're the best! I love you."

My mom rubs my back. "I know, I love you too. Now go up stairs and finish your homework" she instructs me. I nod and rush up the stairs to my room. I didn't have much homework, so I finished it pretty quickly. When I was done, I just laid out on my bed thinking about things.

Things like Brittany. And how she'll respond to the restraining order. At first I doubted this, but then I realized it's gonna be really helpful. She'll finally leave me alone for once. There's only one thing I'm sure about right now.

Brittany will no longer ruin my life.


(A/N): Oh my gosh, so much drama!!! I had to do this. But seriously though, Brittany has taken it too far. She deserves to be punished for her actions. I can't wait to put up the next chapter!! Btw I hope you like this chapter!


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