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You turned the page over, brushing your hair away from your face. But like everything today, your hair also didn't want to go your way so it fell back onto your eyes. "Goddamn it." You muttered, before straightening up to tie your hair into a bun. You slumped back and put your head down on the fat History textbook. You had an exam tomorrow. And it wasn't just any exam. It was in History. You hated History. Why did you have to remember what life was like before you were born? Sam's face fell the first time you told him that.
"It's so that you can learn from their mistakes, Y/N. Besides, History isn't even hard. And it's super interesting." "For you, Moose. Not for me." you thought. But the boys had still left you behind at the bunker while they hunted a vampire's nest a few towns over. And now, here you were, reading something about the Civil War, trying to remember.
You sighed and tried to get back to the book.
The Union. What the Hell is the Union? You flipped over a couple of pages and noticed that it was mentioned a lot of times in your book, but you had no idea what it was.
"Screw you, History." You mumbled, tears threatening to make their way out your eyes. It wasn't like you wanted to fail. You wanted to learn. You really did. But History just wasn't your subject. What hurt even more was the fact that Sam and Dean were like proud brothers, waiting to see you graduate. They insisted on paying for school, even though you said you would. Yes, it was another credit card scam, but its the thought that counts. And now you felt like you were letting them down and more tears rolled down your eyes. You closed your eyes and a took deep breath. Wiping your tears off, you glanced at the clock. It was 12 AM. Okay. You could take a quick fifteen minute nap to calm yourself down and then get back to studying. You grabbed your phone and set an alarm before drifting off into slumber.
You were dreaming about your annual 'pilgrimage' to Vegas with the boys when Sam and Dean walked away in the middle of a song. The lights went out. You were confused for a second and realized you were dreaming, but somehow, you were still sleeping. You didn't mind though, if you weren't awake, it meant the alarm didn't ring. Your face was hit by a harsh ray of light and you looked away to realize that the spotlight was on you.
"What the..." Your voice trailed off when you saw a figure walking towards you. "Gabriel?" You asked, hesitantly. "Gabriel!" You screamed once you recognized your boyfriend. You ran into his arms, hugging the life out of him.
"How's my sweetheart been?" Gabriel whispered into your ear. You nodded, which was indication enough. You backed off after a second.
"So what exactly are you doing here?"
"What do you mean? Aren't you happy to see me? Coz I sure am, it's not an angel blade in my pocket." He smirked, you laughed.
"No. I mean...Am I dreaming about you or are you in my dream?"
"Does it really matter? Because you get to see this." He pointed a finger and indicated himself. You laughed again. No matter how troubled you were, Gabriel managed to make you laugh.
"No it doesn't matter."
"Good. Now, come with me."
"Ahhh that's a surprise, sugar."
"Okay." Your voice was drenched in excitement. You took Gabriel's hand and in a matter of seconds, you were in a theater. "A movie-Wait, is this a date?" You asked, looking at Gabriel with happiness that he was sure was missing from your face these days.
"Something like that." He said. "'s starting." He handed you caramel popcorn. Of course Gabriel got caramel popcorn. You chuckled softly and turned to watch the movie. The projector was running you could hear it, but something felt...strange. You didn't feel like you were watching the movie...were it?
"Gabe-" Your voice was lost in a handful of mob screams. You looked around to see your boyfriend and you standing at the...White House? You looked at him, confused. But he was smiling and hooting at the podium all of a sudden so you turned your head to see a tall man with a hat..."Ha! Nice cospla-" Your face lost all its color when you realized you were staring at Abraham Lincoln. Like the actual man. He was alive...why? And then it hit you. Your ass of a boyfriend dragged you back in time so that you would learn for your stupid History exam. "THE WHOLE POINT I TOOK A NAP WAS TO GET AWAY FROM THIS, GABE!" You shouted-partly because it was loud and partly because you were mad. Mostly because you were mad.
"I'm just trying to help you darling. Now watch." Gabriel shushed you and you stuck your tongue out at him for a second before returning to the scene.
"Abraham Lincoln won a four way race for the President of the United States, even though he did not win a popular majority. He had earned enough electoral votes to beat all other opponents."
"Gabe...Is that Cas?" You asked, pointing the air, trying to ask about the voiceover.
"Yes. I got my little brother stuck in a little time loop until he agreed to do this."
"Gabe..." You chided.
"Puh-lease. It was nothing painful. He was stuck flirting with a girl he'd just met." He smirked. You giggled at the thought of the trench coated angel being awkwardly adorable, forced to flirt.
"This was on the 6th of November in 1860." Castiel had waited for your conversation to finish before he continued. "Between the 20th December of 1860 and the 1st February of 1861, eleven states had seceded from the Union."
"I have no idea what the Union is."
"The Union was a term that was used to refer to the National Government." Cas helped.
"It had about 25 states supporting it, right?" You asked remembering reading something about that. "I thought that was the Confederate."
"The Confederate opposed the Union. It consisted of Eleven Slave States."
"Y'know, I'd remember those 11 states like my cake depended on it, Y/N." Trust Gabriel to equate a dessert to life.
"The elven states are South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Lousiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee and North Carolina." He stopped for a second. "I am not really comfortable with saying this, Gabriel."
"We had a deal, little brother. I am sure Sharpay would love to have you back." Gabriel chuckled. You heard Cas sigh before he continued.
"You can remember the names like this. "Castiel Made A Good Lemon and Tangerine as Trenchcoat here is a Virgin." You immediately found a paper in your hands with the sentence in it.
"The Capitals represent a state. And it's a funny sentence to say eh? Castiel Made A Good Lemon and Tangerine as Trenchcoat here is a Virgin. Also because he has nothing better to do." Gabriel chuckled. You laughed with him.
"This isn't funny, guys." Cas complained. You muttered a 'Sorry' before you were taken to 4th March, 1861; Lincoln's inauguration as president. Gabriel had made sure to add funny one liners and easy to remember tips all along the way at each stop. He even made Cas crack a few innuendos but the blue eyed angel couldn't understand what it was that was so funny. You were taken all the way through December 6th, 1865-the day when the Thirteenth Amendment was ratified by the States and Slavery was abolished.
Almost immediately after the 'movie' ended, Castiel seemed to have disappeared and Gabriel took you into his arms. You laughed. "What are you doing, Gabe?"
"Dancing with the woman I love, is that so hard to believe?"
"Dancing? There is no music." On cue, some slow dance ballroom music started playing and you smiled in surprise. "That's a neat trick." You whispered.
Gabriel bent forward to reach your ear. "I know, sweet thing." He turned around to see your face, inches away from his. He leaned in a little further, inviting your lips to join his.
The music suddenly changed to Smoke on the Water and you were confused. This wasn't like Gabriel.
"Dammit Y/N! Wake up! You gotta study!" It was Dean. Dean? What was he doing here?
Your eyes shot open and you saw the Winchesters staring down at you. "You, need to study." Dean smirked and walked away. You looked at Sam, dejected that you had study and that Gabriel had to go. Sam gave you a small smile before he offered to get you some coffee to keep you up. He walked away rather quickly and disappeared while you turned your head back to your fat History textbook.
"Pssttt.. Y/N!" You turned around to see Gabriel.
"Oh my God what are you doing here?" Seeing your boyfriend in your dream was one thing, but seeing him in real life? That was a whole other level of happiness.
"I never leave my tasks incomplete." Gabriel leaned in and this time you met his lips, before some other distraction walked in. You pulled out of the kiss to catch our breath. "You know, if this make this a habit, I won't mind History so much." You smiled, before resting your forehead on his.

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