Jensen Ackles and JJ Part Four

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-A few months after-
You looked down and your heart stopped at your view, positive. You were pregnant. All the random thoughts were running through your head, good and bad. You were finally going to be a mom, not that you didn't feel like one to JJ but officially. But how would Jensen react? How would JJ react? He's so busy with work, and would she want a baby brother or sister?
The sounds of Jensen's car pulling in caught you out of your thoughts, you put the stick in the bag and put it behind your pocket, thinking of ways to tell him. He had to be happy, right? He loves you.
"But what if he really doesn't?" Your brain asked, making you cringe at the thought.
"What if he's to busy for another child, what if he doesn't want another one? What if it's to much? What if, what if?" You couldn't handle the thoughts and decided to not tell him till later, hopefully.
"Hey baby girl! I missed ya so much!" Jensen said, hugging you tightly while you gently hugged him back, still terrified from your thoughts.
"Missed you too...babe." You said shly, making him nervous.
"What's wrong? Did I do something?"
"No, no. Just ... don't feel well I guess." He placed his hand on your forehead and cheeks
"You do feel kind of warm, lay on the couch I'll make ya some soup, okay? I love you."
"I love you too, Jense."
He brought you in chicken noodle soup along with a bottle of beer, your favorite kind too. He brought you in some medicine and a cold wet rag to bring down your fever you didn't know you had. He sat at your feet on the couch and rested his hand on your leg, rubbing it up and down softly while watching tv.
"Thank you baby, really." You said softly, taking a sip of your soup. He nodded and kissed your hand.
You were to stressed to eat and blamed it on the stomach bug. You both finished the night watching random shows on the tv, both falling asleep on the couch eventually.
It was a week later and you still haven't told Jensen. JJ was with Danneel and Jensen was out somewhere with Misha so you decided to leave and go to Jared's to get your mind off things.
"Heya y/n, everything okay?" He asked, bringing you in for a hug.
"Um, I don't know. Can I come in and talk to you for a little?" He nodded with a quiet of course, letting you in.
You sat on the couch while he left to get you both beers, sitting next to you after.
"So what's on your mind, everything with Jensen okay?"
You didn't answer and just showed him the positive pregnancy test in a bag, his eyes got wide but excited. He hugged you as tight as he ever has before, feeling like you were about to pop but you hugged back.
"That's so cool! Holy shit, congrats! Does he know?" You shook your head, making him confused.
"Why not?"
"I'm scared he'll leave, Jared. I'm scared he'll be to busy, or to I don't know, not in the mood for another kid or he just doesn't want another one in general, or maybe not want one with me! I'm scared JJ won't want a baby sister, or a baby brother and I... and I...." By now you were sobbing.
Jared brought you into his arms and rocked you back and forth, shushing you softly and rubbing your back as you cried and let everything out.
"Y/N, I may not know a lot of things but one thing I know for sure is that Jensen and JJ love you, very, very much. I have never seen them so happy with anyone, and I knew Jensen loved ya from the start. I noticed the way his eyes light up when he stares at you, or how he can never keep his eyes or hands off you. How he talks about you nonstop, and how excited he was when he told me you two were together. He loves you y/n, and I can't even imagine how excited he's going to be to find out he's going to have a baby with you, with the person he loves. Also JJ loves babies! I'm positive she'll love her baby brother or sister just as much."
You gave him another tight hug along with a quiet thank you. He nodded and kissed the top of your head. The sound of the phone ringing made you and him jump. He walked over and grabbed it.
"Hello?" He asked
"Jared! Have you seen y/n? She's ... she's not home and she won't answer my calls and I ... I don't know. She's been acting weird this week and I'm absolutely fucking terrified, please tell me you've seen her or heard from her? Please!" He paced around the room, half way in tears and biting his nails nervously.
Jared nodded over at you and passed you the phone, you knew right away who it was.
"Jared!" He yelled
"Not quite, babe." You smiled, making him sigh in relief that you were okay.
"Oh baby, it's so good to hear your voice. How come you're at Jared's?"
"Just felt like visiting, I'll be home soon, okay? I love you."
"I love you too sweetheart, forever?"
"Forever." You passed Jared back the phone, they talked for a few minutes then got off.
"Christmas is next Friday, I think you should tell him then, ya know? Christmas surprise." You loved the idea.
"That's an amazing idea, what would I do without you?"
"Well, you wouldn't have a moose, and that would just suck." You both chuckled, giving each other another hug before you left.
-Christmas Morning-
You woke up to JJ jumping on your bed with a smiling Jensen holding her so she wouldn't fall, both of their hair going in directions. You laughed and picked her up, holding her up in the air while she laughed.
"Santa! Santa came! Santa!" She kept yelling, making you and Jensen both laugh.
"Really!? Nah, you're just foolin' me!" You joked
"He did! He did! Come see!" She ran off the bed and ran downstairs.
"We'll be here in a minute, sweetie!" Jensen yelled, climbing over you and kissing you softly.
"Did you eat the cookies?" You asked, realizing his kisses tasted like them. He nodded with a giggle.
"Your hair is all over the place, it's so cute!" You ran your fingers in his hair, while he kissed you again.
He rolled off and grabbed his phone, looking at the time. After he looked he looked at you with a shock expression.
"Holy shit, it's 7."
"Yeah, so?"
"JJ usually wakes up earlier on Christmas."
You both finally got up and put on your pajamas you planned on wearing all day, the tradition on Christmas you, Jensen, JJ, Jared and his family, Misha and his family always had was to wear PJ's all through Christmas day, which of course you loved. Who could not love that?
Jensen had on his batman PJ pants with a black shirt and you had on (whatever PJ's you own that's your fav) while JJ had on her Mickey Mouse onesie on.
You went downstairs to see JJ didn't open any of the presents yet, thankfully. You put in a box full of balloons a sign that said "Hello Daddy and JJ" With a picture of your latest ultrasound on it. You were so excited, but also nervous.
You sat JJ in her highchair while you sat at the table, and Jensen was making his usual amazing pancakes for breakfast, not wanting to open presents on an empty stomach. JJ kept looking over at the big, glowing tree with lots of lights around it and smiling at the presents.
"Oh right, J did you see Santa ate some of your cookies and had some milk?" She shook her head.
You went over and grabbed the plate of cookies with one of them having a bite mark, originally from Jensen and half the glass of milk gone, also from Jensen. She looked at the plate and glass with amazement, clapping after.
"How come he didn't eat all the cookies?" she frowned.
"He goes to many houses overnight honey, his tummy gets full. I think he actually took some home with him just to eat when he got home!" her smile came back while Jensen smiled to himself, loving how close you and his daughter were.
He finished making the pancakes and cut some pieces up for JJ, then placing a plate for you. You gave him a quiet thank you with a kiss on the cheek and ate away, all as a family.
"So what do you think you got for Christmas, babe?" He asked, helping JJ eat as he ate too, like normal.
"I have absolutely no clue, what do you think you got?"
"I'm not sure, but I know I'm going to love it either way." He smiled, making you smile too.
"J, what do you think Santa got you?" Jensen asked
"Toys!" her normal answer which of course was true.
You all finished your pancakes and sat around the tree, playing whatever Christmas movie was on on the TV and passing out presents while JJ sat and waited patiently, playing with her toy Impala.
"I still can't believe you gave her that" You laughed, setting a present on the floor.
"I still can't believe you can't believe I got her that" He winked, making you roll your eyes with a smile.
You finished passing the presents around and sat together around the tree, watching JJ already tear in.
"Hold on J, gotta see which ones are from Santa and which are from Mommy y/n and Daddy." Your heart melted at him mentioning you as mommy, something you both agreed on doing. Danneel was of course still her mommy and she always will be.
Jensen looked at the tag on the gift, it was from you and him
"This ones from mommy y/n and daddy." He passed the present back to her, moved back over next to you and held your hand, making you smile
"A Cinderella doll! I love it mommy and daddy!" she yelled happily, giving you both a tight hug.
Next was Jensen to open his, you decided to leave the big gift for last, knowing exactly what it was
"To Jense From Santa JJ! Santa got me a gift, too!" He said happily while she got excited and squealed, sitting on his lap after.
"An AC/DC CD, fu – he stopped himself, realizing JJ was right there
"Totally awesome! Thank you Santa!" He said to make JJ smile, winking at you after.
"mommy, you're next!" she said happily, waddling over to your pile and passing you a tiny present in a shape of a tiny box.
You opened it to find a beautiful blue diamond necklace inside with a note that said I love you with a small smiley face. Your eyes welled up in tears as you hugged Jensen and JJ.
"Thank you guys, it's beautiful!" They both nodded, fist bumping after.
"Told ya she'd like it" Jensen whispered to her, kissing the top of her head after.
It was finally time for Jensen to open his last, big gift. He got up when you stopped him. You grabbed the camera and started recording everything. Jensen didn't bother asking, knowing you love to record everything and anything.
"JJ, why don't you open this with daddy too, it's for both of you." She nodded and ran up to the wrapped box, tearing off the paper with her daddy. They both opened up the box and left the balloons fly up to the ceiling, looking at you with confusion.
"Just keep looking."
They turned back to the box and Jensen picked up the card, jaw dropping when he realized what it was. He looked at you with amazement and glassy eyes, holding up the card.
"Is this ... is this real? If this is a prank I –" you cut him off, shaking your head with a smile and glassy eyes as well while JJ was climbing into the box, not worrying about the card.
He ran up to you and hugged you tightly nearly knocking the camera out of your hands, sobbing tears of happiness into your hair while you rubbed his back and squeezed your eyes tight, letting the tears flow as well. He clenched onto your shirt as if it was the last time he was going to see you again and kissed you as many times as he could.
"You're – you're fucking serious? I'm going to be a daddy ... again?" He whispered.
"I was not expecting that at all" he laughed, sniffling and wiping his teary eyes.
"that's why I was acting weird all week, I was terrified of what you'd think. I went to Jared's to get advice, so he said I should do it as a Christmas present."
"Did you think I was going to be upset?" You nodded sadly.
"Of course not! This is freaking amazing, y/n. I'm so so excited to have a child with the woman I love! I love you, I love you, I love you!" He said happily, picking you up and spinning you in the air while kissing.
"Daddy? What's going on?" JJ asked with a nervous and confused look, noticing the tears running down both of your faces.
"Oh honey! y/n, tell her the good news!" Jensen said excitedly, passing JJ the card.
"It says "Hello Daddy and JJ" with a picture of a baby, do you know who that baby is?" You asked, pointing at the ultrasound. She shook her head, still confused.
You tapped her shoulder so she'd look at you and pointed at your stomach, making her eyes nearly pop from being so wide.
"You have a baby in your tummy?!" She yelled happily, Jensen grabbed the camera and kept on recording everything.
"Yep! Merry Christmas, J!" You said happily while she hugged you just as tight as Jensen did.
"Is it a boy or girl?!"
"I'm not sure yet sweetie, won't know till later."
She placed her head on your stomach along with her hand.
"I love you little baby." She said softly to your stomach, making you and Jensen almost burst into tears.
You shared the good news to everyone, Misha and his family, the rest of Jared's family, your parents, Jensen's parents. Everyone was so supportive and excited, everything you hopped for.
-6 months-
You felt as shitty as ever. Your ankles were always swollen, your back was always killing you, morning sickness sucked, and not to mention none of your clothes would fit anymore. Thankfully you had Jensen and JJ to help you through it.
Jensen was there every night you're crying in pain, telling you it'll all be worth it in the end. He was rubbing your back through the morning sickness and rubbing your feet and back. JJ would hug you if she saw you crying, and talk to your stomach to cheer you up.
One of the things you're mostly thankful for Jensen dealing with was the mood swings and random cravings.
"Who ate the last of my ice cream? I've been saving it for days." You grumbled.
"I'll be you some more sweetie, I'll go right now." Jensen said, remembering he ate the rest of the ice cream the other night.
"Jesus H Christ I'm so fucking fat! How could you love me?" You cried, staring at yourself in the mirror.
Jensen came up behind you, wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your cheek, wiping your tears away.
"You're so beautiful, not fat. You and our baby are going to be beautiful y/n/n. You've always been beautiful and you always will be."
"Why don't they make candy pizza? Or I don't know some kind of chocolate thing!" You sighed, watching the pizza commercial on the TV.
"I'll let them know to create that." Jensen chuckled, reading the script for an episode.
"I would fucking swim in chocolate right now, Jense. I want to swim in chocolate. I'm going insane, I think that sounds better than sex!" He spat out his beer in shock, looking at you like you're crazy.
"Damn, these hormones really are getting to you? Nothing competes with sex!"
-9 months-
You were sitting on the couch, practicing and reading the script with Jensen while JJ was with Danneel for the day.
"What part of no don't you get? How many times do I gotta tell you this is a bad idea!"
"Dean, God's sending me messages if I like it or not! I have to do something about it!"
"We're not doing this, you're not doing this! Unless you are safe, Sam."
"Well Dean I – " you stopped, feeling your water break.
"My water broke." You said with fear.
"Um ... um that's not in the script." Jensen said nervously, knowing what you meant.
"Jensen, my fucking water broke." He dropped the papers and grabbed his car keys.
He held your hand the whole way to the hospital, no matter how tight and painful it was he didn't let go. He told you how strong you were as you cried in pain.
"It hurts, Jense! I cant – I cant do this!" You cried, holding onto your stomach and punching the seat in pain.
He placed his hand on your stomach and rubbed it softly.
"Be easy on your mommy, she's a fighter" He winked, making you smile a little. You loved when he talked to or rubbed your belly.
You both finally arrived to the hospital after a 25 minute drive. Jensen got you a wheel chair and let you sat in it, wheeling you in to the room as the doctor leaded you both.
You laid on the bed and Jensen sat next to you in a chair, holding your hand still and running your hair back so it'd be out of your eyes.
"It's going to be okay baby girl, I love you so, so much." He said quietly, kissing you after.
"Forever" You gave him a smile before screaming in pain again.
After all the pain, screaming and crying you gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy. He had green apple eyes like his daddy, and beautiful y/h/c hair like yours. His nose was tiny and his lips always had a curve to them.
"What's his name?" The nurse asked, looking at you and Jensen while you held him gently and Jensen wouldn't take his eyes off him or you.
"Sam, his name is Sam." Jensen said with the biggest smile, looking down at his son with love.
"Adorable name for an adorable baby boy, congrats to both of you." You both said thank you and she left.
"Thank you for giving me a beautiful son." You said, kissing him then kissing Sam's head.
"No, no, no. Thank YOU for giving US a beautiful son, and thank you for being you and never leaving me or J."
"Thank you for not leaving me, I know I was a crazy ... uh crazy ..." Jensen cut you off
"I know what you're going to say, but you weren't. It was understandable babe, I'm just glad we got to experience it together. I couldn't ask for a better family."
-Exactly a year later-
Today was baby Sam's first birthday. It went by so fast, it was insane. JJ was getting big as was he, and Jensen was working more and more. You decided to stop acting and be a stay at home mom, while Jensen was out a lot so you all cherished the days he was home, finally.
"Did ya get the cake from the shop babe?" Jensen asked, blowing up balloons while JJ watched cartoons with Sam in the baby swing
"Yup!" You said bringing the cake in and sitting it in front of him to show him
He looked at the cake with amazement and licked his lips.
"I can't wait, I love cake! It's beautiful, just like you." He smiled, kissing your cheek.
"Don't eat it till it's time, I'm watching you Jense." He sighed with a nod, then went back to blowing up balloons.
You dressed JJ up in a pink dress with a black bow in her hair, and put on a shirt that said "birthday boy" on Sam, he looked so much like Jensen. The sound of the doorbell tracked you out of your thoughts as you went and opened it.
"Hey Gen, Jared, Thomas and Shep!' You said happily, giving everyone a hug as they came in.
"Aunt y/n!" The boys yelled, tackling your legs with hugs.
"My god you boys are getting big, soon you'll be carrying your dad around!" They all laughed.
Jensen gave everyone a hug as well while JJ talked to Shep and Thomas, her best friends.
"Can we see him?!" Gen said excitedly.
"Of course, Follow me!" You said leading her to Sam while Jensen and Jared stayed behind.
"She's been dying to see him, nice name of choice by the way." Jared winked
"Thanks, he looks just like y/n."
"I heard he looks like you the most, now I have to see and find out for myself."
They both walked over and saw Gen already holding Sam in her arms as Shep and Thomas stood around her, awing and softly running their hand over his soft hair.
"He's gonna be a heartbreaker when he's older." Gen smiled at Jared and Jensen, kissing his head after and passing him to Jared.
"Hey buddy, I'm your Uncle Jared. I promise to always protect and love you, and I promise to not let daddy get you into horrible music." Jensen scoffed and crossed his arms with a smile while you and Jared chuckled.
After 30 minutes the doorbell rang again. JJ ran to the door and opened it with your permission while Jensen and Jared were out back with the boys putting up decorations.
"Hello miss JJ!" Misha said happily, picking her up and hugging her tightly while she squealed from happiness
You ran up to the door when you saw Vicki, Maison and West and gave them all a huge, huge, huge hug including Misha of course
"It's been year's since I've seen you guys! Oh my god I could cry." You laugh, wiping away tears in the corner of your eyes.
"West and Maison you're getting so big! And Vicki, you look great!"
"They were so excited to visit you" Misha said with a smile
"I'm excited to see you all too! How are you doing guys?"
"Good" Maison and West both answered the same time, running off to play with JJ and the boys after.
Gen came up behind and gave Misha and Vicki a hug as well while you held your sleeping son in your arms.
"He's beautiful!" Vicki said quietly
"We're so happy for you guys, Jensen's been wanting another kid for years." Misha replied after, making you smile and feel warm inside.
-Jared and Jensen POV-
Jensen looked around for kids, noticing they were all playing on the playground so they couldn't hear the convo they were about to have, not wanting to spoil it for anyone, especially you.
"I'm going to propose to y/n today."
Jared accidentally popped the balloon he was trying to tie up in shock, laughing after. He got off the ladder and looked at Jensen with a shock expression, but happiness as well.
"That's fucking awesome, dude! I'm so happy for you!"
"Do ya think she will like it and say yes? I'm sweatin' bullets man."
He opened up the tiny black box to show a beautiful ring inside, having "Forever" carved on to it. Jareds eyes welled up in tears as he gave Jensen a huge hug.
"It's beautiful man, she'll love it."
-Normal POV-
"Time for cake!" You yelled, carrying out of the cake while Sam sat in the highchair at the main table. Gen got the video camera ready and Jensen put the box back in his pocket and walked over with Jared, thinking of when to do it. You leaned up and kissed him after you placed the cake down, making everyone go "oooo" while the kids went "eww" and covered each other's eyes, making everyone laugh.
Before you all could finish singing happy birthday Sam already placed his hands into the cake, licking the icing off his fingers after.
"Just like his daddy" you smiled, bringing out the other cake you had for everyone else.
You and Jensen cut the cake together while everyone took pictures and Misha took the camera and recorded it. The kids got the first slices and ate together while the rest of the adults ate at the table, along with Sam eating the icing and getting it all over his face and bib.
Everyone ate together and talked, all as one big happy family like you were for the first time in years, everyone actually together. Nobody was to busy filming, nobody was sick and couldn't make it, everyone was there and everyone was happy.
After opening all of the gifts you went around with your video camera and asked everyone to say something for Sam to watch all throughout his life.
"Hey Sam, it's uncle Jared, aunt Gen, and us!!" the boy's yelled, sitting on their lap.
"We just want to let ya know you have two amazing parents who love you very much, and an amazing big sister who will kick anybody's asses –' Gen cut him off
"Hey! Language for the kid" They both chuckled, especially you behind the camera
"Will kick anybody's butt who tries to hurt you, and if she can't me and daddy will take care of it buddy, don't ya worry." They all waved with a goodbye.
"Heya kiddo, it's Uncle Misha and Aunt Vicki with the kids, we're so excited to spend more time with you and watch you grow into a handsome young man! Your mommy, daddy and sissy love you, as do we. Happy birthday! Also, remember science and taking care of the earth is cool!" Misha yelled at the end, you rolled your eyes and chuckled.
Finally it was your and Jensen's turn. Jensen had the perfect plan. He sat the video camera on top of something while everyone sat around while you sat on the stairs and JJ sat in your lap. Jensen sat next to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulders.
"Heya Sammy, it's mommy and daddy with little J. We just wanted to say happy birthday! We loved ya from the start and always will, you're such a wonderful son and I can't wait to experience life with you. We love you very much, anything you'd like to say J?"
"I promise to share my toys with you." Everyone bursted into laughter.
"I have something else I want to do, I know it's Sam's big day but I couldn't wait anymore." Jensen said, Jared gave him a nod with an excited look making you confused till you looked over and noticed him on his one knee, making you nearly drop JJ from excitement.
"What – hold on is this a fu – freaking joke?!" You said excitedly, Vicki took JJ off your lap and let you have your moment without worrying about dropping anyone.
"Y/N, I've known you for a very, very long time now 7 years to be exact. I remember having the hugest crush on you for so, so long. I love you so, so much and I want you to know that every time I promise forever, I mean it. Will you marry me?"
'Yes – yes of course, are you insane of course I will!" You said happily with tears running down your cheeks. You wrapped your arms tightly around his neck while he wrapped his around your waist, kissing your cheek then kissing you roughly after while everyone cheered and clapped. He slipped the ring on your finger and kissed your hand after, both shaking like leaves.
"I love you more than you'll ever know, and I can't wait to start this journey with you."
He turned around to the camera and held your arm up in the air along with his.
"I'm marrying your mommy!"
He turned off the camera after you both said goodbye, then laid it on the table. He placed his hand over his mouth then rubbed his eyes, wiping the tears of happiness away as did you when everyone gave you a hug, including JJ.
"You ready to spend forever with me, Jense? Are you sure you want to deal with this forever?"
"Baby, you have no idea how many times I have dreamed of spending forever with you."

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