What?! Who?!

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I felt something shaking. Was it an Earthquake? I opened my eyes and saw Gina shaking the bed, so I closed my eye.

"WHAT!? Really? We already ate breakfast. Wake up sleepy head."
Gina said poking my face

I opened my eyes again and looked at the clock. 7:49am. Breakfast is 7:20

I sprang out of bed and put on a pair of jeans and went down to the kitchen.
There was a piece of bread with jam on the table with a note.

You are late again
Next time, no breakfast

I ate the bread quickly because class was about to start.

I ran upstairs to my room and grabbed a ninja turtle shirt and brushed my hair and splashed water on my face.

I ran to my classroom.

As soon as I stepped into class the 8:00  bell rang. Everyone laughed and clapped at me. I bowed and went to my seat. The teacher wasn't impressed, she rolled her eyes and started class.
People called me a ninja because I always did things quickly.

Our "school" was like a normal school
Started at 8:00 and ended at 3:00. We would get homework too.

The 3:00 bell rang and it was summer break.
"YEA" everyone cheered.

I was walking back to my room. When i passed the lobby I saw Andy talking to the lady at the desk. I saw a picture of Stella on her computer screen. My heart jumped.
Is he going to adopt her?

Andy saw me through the tiny window and waved at me with a smile. I snapped out of my thoughts and smiled  and walked away.

My mind was full of what I saw. Can it really be Stella? I'm so happy for her! But that means I loose a friend... And then jealousy kicked in. I was mad
It was so complicated, am I happy, sad or mad?

**next day

I felt someone by me. I thought it was Gina or Stella.

"Mmmmgghh go awaaay" I mumbled

" wake up Aria" someone said

It was not Gina or Stella. I opened my eyes. It was the office lady.

I quickly sat up "Oh sorry. Am I late again?? I am so sorry."

I looked over to the clock, 8:00 A.M.
I was late, i jumped out of bed. Then I realized that it was summer break.
I saw someone right outside my door.
It was him, Andy.

I looked at the other side of the room to see if Stella was still in bed. She wasn't.

" what are you doing here?" I asked

"Lets go to your new home. Aka my house." He said with that smile.

I was so confused.

"You are getting adopted sweetie" the women said.

".. What, really, what about, oh, hunh?"

Andy and the women laughed.
"Don't judge I just woke up"

I walked over to my closet.
"wait YOU are adopting ME?"

"Yup" Andy said with a smile

I couldn't believe it..
I just stared blankly at the women and Andy.

" get dressed and pack your stuff, and come down to the lobby ok?" The women said

"Can I have time to talk to my friend?"


I threw on my minion shirt and skinny jeans and packed all my cloths in my tiny suitcase, I didn't have many cloths to pack anyway. Brushed my hair and ran downstairs. I saw Stella and Gina at a table playing with the smaller kids.


"What, you're late again. Just because it's summer break doesn't mea.."

I cut her off by whispering
"Andy Hurley chose me"

Stella and Gina had wide eyes.
"OH my GOD" they screamed

They helped me get ready and pack. Stella gave me her heart necklace, it was pretty. Gina gave me a bracelet that she made, I loved it. Stella gave me her email, I promised her I'll make a email and contact them.

I was exited yet sad. I was happy I get to leave this place, but I won't get to see my friends anymore. I felt bad, now I was leaving them.

"I better get going" i said a bit sadly

"Come one. Be happy! Don't worry about us!" Gina said

We all said our goodbyes and I walked to the lobby where Andy was waiting for me.

"Did you get to talk to your friends?"


" ok. Are you ready to go to your new home?"

"Yeeas " I said with a happy tone

Andy grabbed my suitcase and walked to his car outside

I watched the orphanage get smaller and smaller as we drove.

This is going to be awesome!

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