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We walked into the office. The office was small. The office lady was working with a family. I guess they were new too.

The family finished talking with the office lady and headed out the door. They had a girl, from her height she might be in 6th grade.

"hello, what can I help you with?" the lady said

"Hi, I would like to register my daughter" Andy said

"lot's of new students this year! if you would, sign this piece of paper, and you can fill out this paper" she gave Andy a student information sheet and gave me a class/elective sheet.

name: Aria
middle name: I didn't have a middle name, I'll just leave it blank
last name: I paused for a second. 'Hurley' I wrote. Writing that made me smile, I finally had a last name.
What math did you take last year: pre-algebra
Electives: there was a list of electives I could choose. I chose art and band.

We turned in the papers. 'can we go home now?' I thought .

"art and band! I think our band directer's here right now, do you want to go meet her?" the lady said.

I looked at Andy, he just shrugged. "yes'mam" I said. I thought saying no will be rude.

the lady said something through the transceiver, and directed us to the band room.

"this is the 8th grade building, most of your classes will be here."
The 8th grade building was round, you could go in circles endlessly.

We walked down a stairway "this will be the band room" she said, opening a creaky door.

The band room was huge.

"hi, nice to meet you" The band director said shaking my hand and Andy's

"she's going to be new, I thought she could meet you before school starts" the office lady explained

"What's your name?"


"What instrument do you play?"


"wow, that's great"

"It's a big instrument compared to her" Andy said


"Our band students are really fun. We march at middle school football games, and we have a Christmas concert and a spring concert. You could also audition for jazz band"

"Wow, so much things to look forward to" I said, suddenly excited for band, not school, just band.

"I hope you're exited" the office lady said


"yes, I am. Thank you"

"You're welcome"

"I'll see you when school starts. Bring your instrument, okay" the band director said


"the band program is amazing" the office lady said, as we walked back to the office.

Andy filled out more papers, I sat next to him thinking about school. I was still scared. I didn't want to go.

"I hope you're exited for school, on the first day come here and I'll get your schedule." The office lady said

"okay, thank you"

We finally left the school.

"What'd you think" Andy asked, hoping in the car



"I don't want to go to school"

"I know, but band sounds fun"


10 minutes in the car and we arrived at target

"I thought we were going home" I said

"You need school stuff silly"


I didn't really care. I got normal binders for all my classes and paper for each binder. Some pencil and a pencil bag. I quickly picked out everything... because I wanted to go home.

"are we going home now?"

"yes, unless you want to go somewhere"

"no I'm good"

The radio played country songs, I hate country songs

"you can plug in your phone if you want" Andy said"


I plugged in my phone and pressed shuffle, scared of what might come up first. Asking Alexandria.

"you like these kinds of music?" Andy said, listening to the screams.

"yeah.." I said

"what? I like these songs too"

"You do?"


"oh, I thought you were going to freak out"

"No, I was surprised though, I thought you only liked punk music"

"I like that too"

We finally got home; I tossed all my school stuff in my room. Andy got me teriyaki chicken from a Chinese restaurant.
I went to bed at 9:00 that night. But I stayed up till 10:00 watching YouTube. I went to sleep with What a Catch Donnie.

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