Pancakes... again

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Still Andy's POV

I woke up at 8:12, everyone was up except for me and Aria. We went to bed at 3 in the morning so I guess that's an excuse.

"well, well, look who got left behind and got saved by Joe" Joe said, still in his pajama's and a cup of coffee.

Patrick looked busy on his computer and Pete was laying on the sofa watching TV

"Wait, you got left behind?" Patrick said looking up from his computer

"Yeah, like last time"

"Ha how'd you get back?"

"Called Joe cuz I remembered his number"

Aria fell out of her bed and onto the floor "ow" she mumbled

We all laughed "good thing you had the bottom bunk" I said scooping her up

Pete was taking up the whole couch "Move Pete"

"Ugghh why"

"Miss penguin needs to sit"

"aw is that your little penguin"

I set her down, Aria's head on Pete's shoulder
Star Wars was on, one of my favorite shows

Aria's POV

"I'm hungry, I want pancakes" I heard Patrick say

I slung my head up "Pancakes?!? I want pancakes"

"pancakes, it is"

"Woo Hoo" I jump up, heading back to change

Living with four guys, the floor was a mess with cloths all over the floor.I was an organizing freak and kept everything clean. I slipped on my black jeans and a black dinosaur shirt from Hot Topics and grabbed my brush and headed to the bathroom.

I stopped in front of the door  "who's underwear is this... on the door knob"

They all looked back at me and looked at Patrick

"Oh sorry, that's mine" removing it and shoving it into his drawer

"You guys should clean the floor" I said kicking dirty cloths out of the way

"It's probably all Patrick's" Pete said

"Not all" Patrick said trying to defend himself

I rolled my eye and went on
I looked myself in the mirror and my hair was a mess. It was all poofy in the back. As always, I wet my hair and it's perfect! Andy should be lucky I wasn't those girls who took forever to get ready.

the bus stopped right when I hoped out of the bathroom

We walked into ihop, it's been forever since I've ate at this place

"How Many?" the waitress asked

" Fou, Five, yeah five" Patrick said

"Did you forget about me?" I asked him

"no, that's what I'm use to saying" he said with a smile

I looked at the menu "I want this one" I pointed at the kids pancakes

"Are you ten and under?" Andy said

"Mentally or physically?"

He smiled "I think you can get it since you look like a six year old"

"I am tiny.. you guys are too" I was 5'1. Three inches shorter than Patrick

"You're not wrong" Patrick approved

We ate talking about random stuff. We paid and headed out the door to meet two teenagers screaming

"Oh My God, Are you guys Fall Out Boy?"

"No we're Panic at the Disco" Pete said

"Nooo, I didn't know Patrick stump was the lead singer of Panic" they joked

"we have to head back, we'll love to sign something or take pictures"

They were taking a selfie, I stepped aside

"You can join the picture, aren't you Andy's daughter"

"Yeah" I leaned against Andy

"this is amazing, this is more than I bargained for"

I snickered at the cheesy reference
we left when the girls finally stopped talking

"crazy fans" I said

"eh, they weren't that crazy. Some would make you do all kinds of things"

~normal day~

I was in the dressing room while they set up for the concert tonight
David peeked into thre dressing room
"Yay I found someone, can you help carry some things?"

"Yea sure"

I followed him to their bus
"Here hold this and I'll carry the base drum " he handed me a stand for something

"Aria, can you go get Louis's drum sticks? It should be on the sofa."

I ran inside and grabbed the drumsticks. I saw a marshmallow shooter, three of them. Not sure what they were for but I had an idea.

"Hey David, can I pull a prank on stage tonight? To Pete? Or just FOB in general"

"Yeah any idea's?"

"I saw three marshmallow shooters in there, can I borrow them?"

" ooh, I know what you're thinking"


"There should be an old pack of marshmallows we didn't eat, we can use those"

"Ooh yes" I grabbed the marshmallow shooter and David got me the stale marshmallows.

"Who's gonna be shooting"

"Me, you, and... I don't know"

"What about your dad, Andy, he can get Pete from the back"

"Yea, good idea"

We carried all the stuff onstage

"Where should I hide this thing" i pointed to the shooter

"Hide it where Pete can't see, bring it out when they're on stage"

"I'll put Andy's by his drumset, I'll tell him thats it's there"

"Yea! You're  awesome" David looked really excited

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