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"Ouch" I threw a popcorn at Brendon

"Haha" He was throwing  a hand full now

Eventually we got in a popcorn fight

"Stooooop" I ran out the bus, Brendon chasing me
We were running around in circles for a while, screaming and laughing.

"What is going on out here" Pete came out.

"It was Aria's idea!" Brendon pointed at me

"Ha waaaat? It was Brendon"  I slapped him

"She's a lier" now he slapped me

We got in a slap fight, like we're little girls.

"Hey, hey, hey! Stop.."

We stared at Pete

" we all know it was Aria's fault "

"Whaaat?!?!" Now Brendon and Pete chasing me

"I thought you loved me Pete!!"
Me screaming, the New Politic's came out. Bursting out laughing when they saw what was happening.
They sat down entertaining them selves, without helping me.

Now Fall Out Boy is watching us.

"I'll save you" Andy screamed

He ran up to me and carried me away
Brendon and Pete just collapsed from running so much.

We all had no idea what to do except to laugh

"I need pizza!!" Pete yells getting up off the ground

"I'll order it." Patrick volunteers "How many?"

"one, two, three.. FOUR!" Pete counts "One for each band and one whole for me"

"And a small Vegan Pizza!!" Andy yells

"Of course" Patrick walks back into the bus to order them

we brought out all the chairs we could find and formed a circle

"I'm going to the bathroom real quick" I ran back to the bus

I got out and heard a notification from my phone

unknown number: Aria is this you?

Me: Yes, who are you

unknown number: It's Gina, remember that crazy one

Me: OMG GINA? of course i remember you. I heard you got adopted

Gina: Yea I did, their nice and fun. how is your life Miss hurley

Me: ha It's fun we're on tour right now. Today's the first day. And Panic! and New Politics are coming along... but no MCR

Gina: I know (tear*) they broke up years ago. Buuuuut i got a a ticket for one of the show, I think it's the same day as Stella

Me: then I'll ask Andy if you guys can come back stage with me

Gina: dude.... omg...

Me: there's a 90% chance he might say yes

Gina: ...... OH mA GEERARD!! Thank yoooou

Me: lol ill go ask now, talk later

Gina: okay you do that while I freak out

I turned off my phone but another text came in

Stella: Did you hear that new song that got leaked by Panic!?

Me: wow what? no

Stella: It's don't threat me with a good time, and now I'm screaming  CHAMPAGNE COCAINE GASOLINE

Me: what the fudge.. those are.. nice innocent words..

Stella: lol jk Go listen to it

Me: Or i could just ask him to sing it to me

Stella: WHAAT don't tell me he's in front of you

Me: pretty much he's going on tour with us

Stella: Lucky and oh Gina's going to the concert too

Me: yeah I just talked to her

The pizza car arrived with our pizza

Me: I'm going to try to get the backstage stuff for her too. Pizza's here gotta go

Stella: Okaay, talk later

I ran out the bus to Andy.

"Hey, what took you so long?"

" I had a talk with my other friend, turns out she's coming to one of your concert too. can she go backstage with me too?" I asked

"Yeah, it's fine"

"thanks" I hugged him

"here is your special pizza, Andy" Patrick gave him the pizza

We just ate and talked, telling jokes, and getting in fights and someone has to break it up. Then start telling jokes again, it was like a cycle

The rest of the day we juts hung out.
Watching movies, eating, exploring town.

" We're gonna go eat at a restaurant with everyone, like a 'beginning of tour' thing"

"K let's go"

we all squeezed into the car

Hanging out with ten crazy that cared about me is like living in a dream. Just a few weeks ago I was a normal child without any parents and very few friends. Sometimes I wonder if I really deserve this. I was the least fun and the quietest person out of all the people at the orphanage. Now that Andy picked me and have a special life, I had to be a better person.

We got back at around 9 pm

everyone climbed into there beds, Pete fell asleep as soon as he hit the bed

I went to get my pajamas. I opened my bag and there was at least a dozen tiny spiders, fake spiders. One of my fears are bugs, especially spiders. I jumped and gasped, thankfully i didn't scream. Everyone, except for Pete who passed out, peeked out to see what happened. I knew right away who did this.

I picked up all the spiders and showed them to the others. They knew who it was too.

"I have a plan" Joe said "leave them in Pete's bunk"

I placed all the spiders where they were all facing his face.

"Good night guys"

"Don't let the bed spiders bite" I snickered

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