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I realize how crappy the other two chapter I wrote was so here's a short little cliffhanger story

"Ok bye" i said to Andy, as I jumped out the car to go to school.

The bell rang and I went to first period. I looked through my bag and realized I forgot to do my 6th period homework and forgot my 2nd and 3rd period binder. Fudge fudge fudge fudge. I panicked. I closed my eyes and breathed, I'll just do my homework during lunch and hope we don't do anything important in those classes.

The bell rang and I walked around the whole school looking for my friends.

I saw them at a different spot then usual. "Hey, does anyone know what we're doing in math? I forgot my binder at home and it has all my class work."

"Oh we're going over that worksheet we did yesterday"


The intercom went off, "Aria Hurley you are checking out"

"Yes! I guess I don't have to do that stupid math" i said "bye"

But they didn't respond.
I wondered why I was checking out. I guess I had an appointment that Andy didn't tell me about.
I went to my locker to get my other stuff when I got a text from Joe.

Joe: Hurry

Was Joe checking me out? I quickly packed my bag and fast walked across campus to the office. I got to the office and Joe sprang up from his seat. "come on" he said with a serious face.

Something was wrong.

I got in his car and we drove out. The radio was on softly, we didn't talk. I didn't know where we were going, I wanted to ask what's going on, if everything was okay, where we were going but I just kept silent.

Few minuets later we were at the park, where me and Andy come often at midnight.

Joe turned down the radio, so were in in complete silence. "um.." he started "I don't know how to tell you this" he said looking stressed.
I didn't know what to say. I fumbled with my cold hands and looked down at my lap.

"This morning, ~~~~~~~"

"What?! No no no, is he okay?"

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