Birthday Cat

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I woke up to something smelling really good from downstairs. I checked my phone, Patrick sent me a text. 'Happy Birthday Aria!! Hope you have a great birthday'

'Thank you!' I replied

I got out of bed and quickly changed because it was cold. I wore a fluffy sweater.
I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. Andy was making something using powdered sugar.

I walked quietly and slowly behind him "what are you doing" I said by his ear

"oh my god, Aria!" He jumped, spilling some powder sugar on the table

"oops did I scare you?" I laughed


"woow what is that" I pointed to the plate

3 small pancakes with whip cream. Also raspberries and strawberries were on the side and powder sugar on top.

"Happy Birthday!" he said

"Thank you" I hugged him

I sat at a table and ate my pancakes

"is it good?" he asked

"I love it"


"remember when we ate pancakes and waffles like 4 days in a row during tour" 

"I thought you must really like them since you ate them for so long in a row"

"I know right"

"so what do you want to do today? Today's your, you-can-do-what-ever-you-want day" he said eating the left over raspberries

"ugh... i don't know. What ever you want to do"

"What?! Me? It's your birthday!"

"Oh. Well I have no idea"

"I'll give you some options then. Movies, mall, ice skating, shopping around town, going to the park.."

"I've never ice skated before"

"me neither, wanna try?"


I finished my pancakes and went back up to my room to get ready. I put on my fluffy converse and grabbed my coat because it's freezing outside. But it hasn't snowed yet this year.

*30 minutes of jamming out in the car, as always*

We arrived at the skating rink. It was a small place, but it looked like we were the only one's there. We rented a pair of skating shoes from a bearded man.

"These are like knives under your shoes" Andy said putting them on

"I know right, I wonder who came up with this idea of sliding on ice with a pair of knives"

I walked towards the ice very slowly so I wouldn't fall an sprain my ankle. On the ice was tough. I looked  like a baby learning how to stand. I was along the wall trying not to fall and break a bone, while Andy was having no trouble.

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